

Jun 10, 2003
Raleigh, NC
Ok, here is the deal. Thanks to some moron who ran a red light, my car was in the body shop for a while. It is a good shop, and they REPLACED repairs.

Picked the car up, drove great (better then before IMO). No squeaks nothing.

Had the car shipped out to CA from NC since I moved for work. Now my brakes squeak when I first start driving. But if I get on them hard the squeak goes away for a while (30 min).

I also hear a small squeak when just driving. :bang:

I am running HPS pads (new) and rotors are no older then 6 months.

Any Ideas?

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I tired that. This has been going on for a few weeks now...and am starting to get annoyed with it now.

At first I thought it was just dirt / dust from being shipping across country. But has not gone away yet.

I would hate to buy all new brakes again..
well if you figure it out let us know cause mine are doing the same thing, I had ford replace my pads and rotors and and the squeek went away for a little bit but soon came back so I took it back and they fixed it but then a week later sure enough the squeek started again.