anyone know how ignitions work?

So now that i dont have the TFI, where should that power come from? because i wonder would it be correct to attach the red/blue wire to the red/grn and then both of them to the small red wire on the 6al?
think i got it figured out for you. under the dash on the ignition switch harness on the steering column, hook your small red wire from your msd box to the white/pink wire on that harness. now, run a wire from your positive side of the coil to the red/lt green wire on the ignition switch harness as well.

that white/pink wire turns into the red/blue wire thats supposed to go on the starter relay. that is your "hot in run" cycle wire.
that should get it to start, i'd hope.
I can't undestand why you won't wire it up the way the MSD diagram shows. MSD designed the box, so they should know how to make it work.

Your current dilemma is exactly why I am so critical of carb conversions. The road kill quality work someone else did now needs to be fixed so that the car can be driven.
The picture given of the tfi harness is wrong. That's the ignition coil harness, not the tfi harness. The tfi harness goes to the distributor and has 6 or more wires to it. You don't need the tfi harness, you need the coil harness.
YEs because red/blue is hot in start. red/green is hot in run. Normally the tfi module provides the power to the coil when the key is in the start position. If you do not have a TFI module, you will not have this function, and thus you have your problem.

What you need to do, is connect your coil to both red/blue and red/green wires.


You also need to put a diode on each wire so that power from one isn't going to blackflow into the other circuit. Otherwise turning the key to ON will be like turning it to START and ON at the same time.