Anyone with Bilsteins AND Eibach Prokits or H&R Race springs???

I am about to complete my suspension parts stuff and need feedback from anyone with Bilstein shocks/struts who also use either the Pro Kits or H&R Race springs.

Basically, I kind of want to go with H&R race springs because the drop is only 1.2 inches, however the spring rate is pretty high (front 750-850, rear 260-280). The Eibachs are just a tad higher than stock, but suposedly similar to the H&R Super Sports. I'd go with the SS's but the drop is going to be too much, since I have a ground clearance issue with the Bassani X.

My big question is how will the H&R race springs affect the ride, since I am definitely going to use the Bilsteins. Will the ride be too rough for a daily driver that see mostly long trips on interstates and back roads. I now the Bilsteins will make the biggest difference in handling and overall feel, but should I be concerned about the race springs?

FYI: My total upgrade includes: poly spring isolators, poly front A arm bushings, new poly endlinks, MM C/C plates, front swaybar bushings, springs, Bilstein shocks/struts. All parts are from MM.

I've called MM and they say that the Pro Kit is nearly identical to the Super Sport springs. However, I'd like feedback on the race springs because of the drop they provide.
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From what I know of the Eibach Pro-Kit they sound a lot like the H&R sport springs. The drop is supposed to be identical, but the H&R are a little stiffer. The sports give you more drop than the race, but a little less than the super sport.

I would think the race springs would be too stiff and harsh for what you are looking for.
I have Bilsteins with the H&R Race spring setup and I love it! I used to have Eibachs with Tokicos, but there isn't a comparison with my new setup. If you want the look - get Eibachs...If you want the ride - get H&R. Personally, I don't really care for the "low-rider" look on a 'Stang and I don't like the "off-road" look the suspension had from the factory. The H&Rs are a great balance. Now the ride is gonna be a little rough but don't be alarmed. You need a bump-steer kit. Get one of those from Maximum Motorsports when you order the rest of the goodies. I put the MM bump-steer kit after my Bils & H&Rs and the ride improved greatly as well as reduced understeer. After its all installed, find a nice curvy road and proceed to wake up the whole neiborhood. I guarantee you'll smile from ear to ear after you start throwing your car around. I hope this helps. PS - Your next step should be sub-frames (if you don't already have them) and/or a Panhard Bar. Those mods also made a huge difference!
Good post...I got some Bilstiens and looking for the same spring info, your wanting the same set-up as I want to run....I just bought some Drift Rs in 18" and for some reason the front is to high to me??? So my springs need to go..

BnGRacing...would you have any pics with your set-up??? would like to see that...
Thanks for the info. I've got 4" of clearance under the car (cats on X-pipe) and I'm hoping T&J can bump it up 1/2 inch or so.

I very much like the idea of the H&R race springs, expecially because they don't lower as much as the Po Kits. NOTE: I also noticed that MM uses the race springs in their Basic Kit and the Road & Track Kit. I'm more interested in preserving the underside of my car than for a slammed look. Heck, all I really car about is great handling on a car that will see many long road trips on all kinds of roads (3-5 hours average per trip, 1-2 times a week this summer). Cosmetics are my last concern. After this setup is complete, I'm getting 2003 Cobra wheels 17x9 and a full Cobra Brake upgrade kit on all four corners. Afterwards, I'll get the panhard bar. Already got subframes and yes, they are great!

Pics would be great!!!

As you can tell, I am just a bit nervous about the race springs being too harsh for a daily driver. Is there any issue with getting a bumpsteer kit, if you don't need it? (not that I won't, but does it hurt if you don't need it?)

As far as the bumpsteer kit, what did you get? I see the "center drilled aluminum bushing" on their website, but not sure if that's what your talking about.

(sorry so many questions, but somehow I didn't think to put this post up earlier and target those who already have what I'm looking for). :)
The bump-steer kit on the MM site is called an adjustable tie rod end kit. You don't really "need" it and if you don't have one you will not hurt anything. But before I installed the bump-steer kit my car could be a little rough. I also have delrin/aluminum front control arm bushings which made the harsh ride a little more of a pain (to my passengers at least). After the "adjustable tie rod end" kit was installed (along with the MM strut tower brace) the car handled much better and was more pleasant to drive. Call Maximum Motorsports and ask one of the guys there to explain how the bump-steer kit works...they'll do a better job explaining that than I ever can. All I know is that every car with lowering springs will benefit from the kit. Hope this helps.

Unfortunatly I don't have any good pics of my car...yet.
I talked to them about using either the Pro Kit springs or the Sport Springs and they didn't think I'd need anything more than C/C plates. Because I'm using new poly isolators throughout and using new poly front A-arm bushings, MM didn't think I'd ever have a problem with bumpsteer. Since the race springs are even less of a drop, maybe this is even more true. The total drop should be about 1.2 inches minus the 1/8 - 1/4 inch lost using spring isolators, so the "real" drop should only be about 1 inch exactly. Not much drop, in fact similar to the Bullit Suspension Kit.

Your delrin bushings must contribute a good bit to harshness compared to rubber or poly bushings.

I'll take you word though and give them a call tomorrow. Since all this stuff is going to be installed at once, I'd rather get it right the first time. If they say don't get it and I end up needing it later, I can just add that mod to the panhard bar install in the Fall.

Thanks.........oh, yeah.....any pics?
MM has a kit to check and measure bumpsteer. The kit is a little over $100.00. Here is what they advertise about it:

MM Bumpsteer Gauge: When you need to extract the most performance from your car, don't settle for a generic bumpsteer fix. A highly tuned car, or any vehicle with modified suspension geometry, must be individually checked for bumpsteer. In order to measure bumpsteer on your car you need this professional gauge from Maximum Motorsports. Whether you are a do-it-yourself hobbyist or a specialized chassis shop, this tool will be a useful addition to your collection. Includes complete copyrighted instructions for measuring bumpsteer. Note: Correcting bumpsteer on a Mustang requires an adjustable tie-rod end kit.

So, I guess my question is: Did you do this and/or where did you get your "bumpsteer" measured?

I'm calling them tomorrow, just thought I'd pass this info along.
Just got a confirmation from Maximum Motorsports:

They said I shouldn't need the bumpsteer kit since I wouldn't be getting an agressive alignment and the bushings I'm using will only help matters. Overall, they liked the parts I've chosen and commented that many of their local customers use race springs and Bilstein HD's on their daily drivers. If I do have issues, I will definitely look back on this post for the responses given.

Looks like I'll be ordering my springs/shocks/struts next week then. :)

Thanks again for the responses.
Post up some pics when your done...I'd like to see the stance you get...You need to run HD bilstiens??? I got just the regulars I quess...Gonna throw this on real quick as I have the trunk in 20 pcs and the nuts are right there..

I scored these with 100 miles on em for 115 shipped...Thought it was reasonable so I scammed em..

I checked Bilsteins website and they recommend the HD's also. I think I read somewhere that the HD's are now the standard shocks/struts they sell, as they have eliminated the wide model selection normally offered in the past. The HD's I'm looking at (also recommended by MM) are also known as the SPORT model. Check out MM's website. I double checked the part numbers from MM and Bilstein's websites and they match exactly. You may want to check out the part number on your shocks.

Also, MM recommends the HD's for the H&R springs: Sport, Super Sport, and Race. Of course, they also offer "race-valved" shocks/struts for the competition stuff.

I'll definitely post pics afterwards. I should have all the parts puchased next week and installed the week after.

Man I hate waiting.....:)