DAMN coons!

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high powered bb pistol comes in handy at these times, 40 bucks, semi auto and 600 fps, nothing better. I wish i had a pic of the oppossum that i shot off of my front porch with my bb pistol, f'ed that sucka up! It was eating our cats food and it actually bit our cat, had to get surgery!!
a buddy of mine has one of those AIRZOOKA's from ebay. it's like a big ballon over a plastic tube. you pull the ballon back and let go. it sends a blast of air shockwave up to 20 ft. scares the F out of cats and dogs. tons of fun, should work on coons. but i think coons can be pretty mean, so better get ready to run if it doesn't work. ebay sells'em under airzooka.
I had a oppossum on my patio one night...i caught his ass with the light and he went into "dead mode" and started stinkin like death. I had to get a broom handle and scrape his stupid ass off my patio because he wouldn't stop playing dead.
85_SS_302_Coupe said:
I had a oppossum on my patio one night...i caught his ass with the light and he went into "dead mode" and started stinkin like death. I had to get a broom handle and scrape his stupid ass off my patio because he wouldn't stop playing dead.
light it on fire next time.