divorce sucks

looks like i'm gonna lose my ass.wife is going for 1/2 of everything.including income.my have to sell the car,she thinks it's worth 9,000.may give someone real good deal if she pushes it.i'll let you know soon .should have papers in next few days. details in sig
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Nice plan!

I am sorry to hear that things didn't work out. Are you going after half of her stuff then too? Seems only fair to me but I have only been married a couple years and don't know too much yet.
dragnazz5.0 said:
if she tries to get the car just sell it to a friend that you can trust for like 50 bucks and than after all the bull**** is done and over with buy it back.

That's what I would do. My Stang would be so gone if I were in your situation.
wazazzle said:
Now that's a perfectly good reason why I'm going to get a prenup prenup.... I heard even with a prenup you can still get screwed though. Prob better to just stay, friends with benefits. Hope everything works out. Go after her eggs I heard those things are worth a couple grand. j/k bad joke!
:lol: funny you say that cause my sister-in-laws hot ass room mate just got back from a 2 week fully paid trip to NY and got $10,000 out of the deal and another $5,000 from a couple here that she will be donating to in the next couple of months! Sorry to hear about the devorce man! Ya know my sister lives on silica road in youngstown and has alot of land :D do you know where that road is? peace

Divorce can be a blessing. lmao

Please remember that not all women are evil. Most are, but not all. Alot of men are evil too. Take my soon to be X piece of sh it for example.....

I had to file bankruptcy just 2 days ago because he's a lazy good for nothing piece of no working father of a kid he had with another girl (WHORE) while married to me SH IT. After the bankruptcy I'll be divorcing him. All I want from him is my friggin' last name back.:nonono: :bang:
midlife89 said:
looks like i'm gonna lose my ass.wife is going for 1/2 of everything.including income.my have to sell the car,she thinks it's worth 9,000.may give someone real good deal if she pushes it.i'll let you know soon .should have papers in next few days. details in sig

If your parents are still around, sell your stuff, not just your car to them. Then get it back after the divorce is final. Make sure it is FINAL before you get it back tho ;) Remember to make sure the title is in there name also.

~FrankenStang~ said:
Divorce can be a blessing. lmao

Please remember that not all women are evil. Most are, but not all. Alot of men are evil too. Take my soon to be X piece of sh it for example.....

I had to file bankruptcy just 2 days ago because he's a lazy good for nothing piece of no working father of a kid he had with another girl (WHORE) while married to me SH IT. After the bankruptcy I'll be divorcing him. All I want from him is my friggin' last name back.:nonono: :bang:

Thats nice of you not going after everything, but then again...he cheated on you, and you could probably get whatever you wanted. As long as you can prove that the child was conceived while you two were married. But see if you can get a blood test, so when the judge asks, its right there and you don't have to wait. I have always hated women that go after everything for no reason. But then again i can't stand cheaters, and i can't stand dead beat people. Especially when they make you claim bankruptcy.

Just my $0.02 :flag:
It does suck...however, after spending everything that I had and then some...

I got the kid, the house and got to keep my car. And I'm much happier!!

(get a female attorney)

Good luck and don't let this put you in a downward spiral!!!

Stay a positive a you can, your GOOD friends will help you through bad times. Mine did. And I thank them for it!

88Stang331 said:
If your parents are still around, sell your stuff, not just your car to them. Then get it back after the divorce is final. Make sure it is FINAL before you get it back tho ;) Remember to make sure the title is in there name also.

Thats nice of you not going after everything, but then again...he cheated on you, and you could probably get whatever you wanted. As long as you can prove that the child was conceived while you two were married. But see if you can get a blood test, so when the judge asks, its right there and you don't have to wait. I have always hated women that go after everything for no reason. But then again i can't stand cheaters, and i can't stand dead beat people. Especially when they make you claim bankruptcy.

Just my $0.02 :flag:

Theres already been a Paternity test. Its his alright. I just want to be rid of him so I can fix my life AND financial situation. :)
~FrankenStang~ said:
Divorce can be a blessing. lmao

Please remember that not all women are evil. Most are, but not all. Alot of men are evil too. Take my soon to be X piece of sh it for example.....

I had to file bankruptcy just 2 days ago because he's a lazy good for nothing piece of no working father of a kid he had with another girl (WHORE) while married to me SH IT. After the bankruptcy I'll be divorcing him. All I want from him is my friggin' last name back.:nonono: :bang:
I like your attitude.
I am currently seperated from my wife, the day she walked out the door (her choice of course...also heavily influenced by her parents) I went straight to by dads house (as soon as I woke up from being drunk off my a$$) and sold my mustang to him/gave him the title.

I have heard that a judge can repossess it though...I dont know if its true or not.
Sorry about the situation. Been there done that. I agree with the sale of your car.
Due to the financial needs that you have had imposed on you, you should sell it to a close friend or relative. When doing this make sure its a cheap, but reasonable sale. You can buy a ratty 5.0 for around $3000.00. In your situation you could justify receiving about half this amount. Half of 1500.00 is still a hell of alot better than loosing your car or loosing half of the prime sale price. Not a legal recommendation, but I've seen it done for valuable items such as vehicles, fire arms etc. Good luck either way. Personnaly tried to be nice in my divorce (dont ever, ever do this). Got screwed. Had to threaten to throw gravel in the intake to keep my car. Got my books, a 6 man tent and a damn cappachino maker. Cappachino sucks, but its mine.
In Frankens case. Take him for everything you can. Unfortunately, blood doesnt come from turnips, but its a heck of alot of fun smashing them up in the attempt.