divorce sucks

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id DEFINATELY scam her out of that car.
like they said. find a good friend, somebody.
sell the car for $50. Sign the title. give it to them.

Now. if they hold the title. and dont even register the car. he wont lose the 1st ownership of the car. which in my opinion increases the value a ton.
But she cant touch it that way right?
she came into marriage with 2 kids,no job,nocar,no money.leaving with 1/2 the cars(3),1/2 the house,1/2 my retirement and our son.worked a total of 2 yrs part time while i busted my ass.Think I'm bitter?HELL YES.If I ever get married again she'll have job(nurse would be nice)
midlife89 said:
she came into marriage with 2 kids,no job,nocar,no money.leaving with 1/2 the cars(3),1/2 the house,1/2 my retirement and our son.worked a total of 2 yrs part time while i busted my ass.Think I'm bitter?HELL YES.If I ever get married again she'll have job(nurse would be nice)

Dude...here in Oklahoma, my ex just had to be able get a job, she got the newer car (thought that I wouldn't get the kid-wanted him in a newer car to ride in, she ended up crashing th hell out of it--her problem not mine)..you are entitled to one car to get back and fourth to work..work out hat retirement thing - did you have it before you met her- did she contribute to it? If not, tell her tough shiyt! I did give up half the equity built in to the house...after one year it wasn't much. Don't give in on your hard work. Tell her she needs to get her ass a job and figure out how she's going to survive. Fight for your kid!!!! Mothers are not always the best choice for the kid!!! Dad's can raise a perfectly healthy child.

After 8 years, my boy is very active with baseball-2 years of private pitching lessons, got straight A's each quarter this year in school. And is being asked by several coaches to play on their teams....All while his mother was who knows where, doing who cares what..Have I leaned on my parents from time to time to watch my son? Yes! I need adult time! No shame in that...

I'm no expert, but, come on...don't let her hose you like this. Tell her you would much rather spend the retirement fighting her then to let her just have it. At least you know where it went.

dderek said:
id DEFINATELY scam her out of that car.
like they said. find a good friend, somebody.
sell the car for $50. Sign the title. give it to them.

Now. if they hold the title. and dont even register the car. he wont lose the 1st ownership of the car. which in my opinion increases the value a ton.
But she cant touch it that way right?

I think if he did do that he would have to "sell" it to his friend for bluebook value (low of course :D) When you transfere the title he would be charged tax on it (couple hundred bucks) but no actual cash would have to exchange...the gov dont care they got theirs :rolleyes: But keeping the car is worth a couple hundred IMO. The judge cant do anything at that point, it was a legit and and binding contract as long as he paid tax on the fair (kbb) value of the vehicle.
This is why I'm getting married in 31 days to a fuggin' Rocket Scientist. She makes a ton more money then me, has nicer things... but you know what? If we EVER did get divorced (hope not), she will have the nice stuff... And would have no reason to take mine LOL The things I work for are the things I want to keep.
midlife89 said:
looks like i'm gonna lose my ass.wife is going for 1/2 of everything.including income.my have to sell the car,she thinks it's worth 9,000.may give someone real good deal if she pushes it.i'll let you know soon .should have papers in next few days. details in sig

http://www.divorcesupport.com/divorce/Ohio-Divorce-Laws-684.html Just some useful information. Before you go to court, know the laws in your state regarding marriage.
Next time, save yourself some trouble. Find some chick on the street that you don't like, and just buy her a house. Seriously though, I've been through it twice. Kept my pension both times, but had to give up a little of the equity in the house to do so. But still got some money out of it, and kept my cars. Divorce is expensive because it's WORTH IT.
rdharper02 said:
In Frankens case. Take him for everything you can. Unfortunately, blood doesnt come from turnips, but its a heck of alot of fun smashing them up in the attempt.

I truely am not interested in ANTHING he has... I have more than he ever willand I EARNED IT ALL MYSELF.:D

I'm satisfied just knowing that if he ever gets another job, those creditors will be on him like white on rice in a glass of milk on a paper plate in a snowstorm. Yep, mmmm hmmm...:rlaugh:
~FrankenStang~ said:
I truely am not interested in ANTHING he has... I have more than he ever willand I EARNED IT ALL MYSELF.:D

I'm satisfied just knowing that if he ever gets another job, those creditors will be on him like white on rice in a glass of milk on a paper plate in a snowstorm. Yep, mmmm hmmm...:rlaugh:

:nice: :nice: You go girl!!!!

Congrats on being tough and to stop whatever :bs: you are going through.

89midlife, that GT looks pretty fawkin cherry man. there is no way in hell i would let her get 1/2 ur pension and make u get rid of that thing. 50k miles!!! i hope to god you have someone you can trust and sell that too real quick. Im marrying a millionaire...too bad i have to wait for her to finish college...shes only turning 19 and i just turned 23. :( life beens good with for a long while now though.

Sucks to hear man, take care of urself and ur kid! (but if you need to let it go...PM me! LOL seriously though
You know - I sometimes wonder why anybody goes through it anymore. Today, over 50% fail in something like 5 years anyway.
It's funny - we have less than 50/50 odds, yet we keep doing it. I'd bet that another quarter probably stay married JUST because of kids...
88gt said:
Dude...here in Oklahoma, my ex just had to be able get a job, she got the newer car (thought that I wouldn't get the kid-wanted him in a newer car to ride in, she ended up crashing th hell out of it--her problem not mine)..you are entitled to one car to get back and fourth to work..work out hat retirement thing - did you have it before you met her- did she contribute to it? If not, tell her tough shiyt! I did give up half the equity built in to the house...after one year it wasn't much. Don't give in on your hard work. Tell her she needs to get her ass a job and figure out how she's going to survive. Fight for your kid!!!! Mothers are not always the best choice for the kid!!! Dad's can raise a perfectly healthy child.

After 8 years, my boy is very active with baseball-2 years of private pitching lessons, got straight A's each quarter this year in school. And is being asked by several coaches to play on their teams....All while his mother was who knows where, doing who cares what..Have I leaned on my parents from time to time to watch my son? Yes! I need adult time! No shame in that...

I'm no expert, but, come on...don't let her hose you like this. Tell her you would much rather spend the retirement fighting her then to let her just have it. At least you know where it went.

+1 you will lose half either way. You might as well use it to fight all this ****zle.
Kill the bitch!!! No, don't really, but on the other hand this is why it happens. I just recently met a girl that I belive is "the one" and I hope it never ends in disaster. Maby I should just stay single, but that sucks as well. I bought my Mustang a while ago, so it is definatly pre-marital property, thank goodness.