The EGR spacer does something different than the smog pump.
The smog pump adds oxygen to either the cats, or the cylinders heads, to help create a cleaner combustion. With modern cats, its' not needed anymore, and most people can pass emissions w/o it.
The EGR spacer is used to circulate coolant around itself, to help cool the throttlebody / upper intake.
This is because there are exhaust cross-over ports milled into the stock heads and most street-intakes. These ports (found in the middle of the heads between the cylinders, and generally on the bottom of the intake, route exhuast gas BACK into the throttle body (via the EGR valve) and back into the intake. This further reduces emissions.
If you have blocked the coolant lines to your spacer, then there is no point in having it, other than to help line up the inlet tube from the MAF to the TB. Ideally, if you've removed the coolant lines, then you're either running race heads, or have blocked that cross-over port.