Failed emmissions--any ideas of what to do?


Founding Member
Aug 16, 2001
Chicago burbs
My readings were:

2.35 hydrocarbons vs .60 needed to pass
10.9 carbon monoxide vs 10.0 needed to pass

I didn't pass the OBD readings because their computer couldn't retrieve codes from my chip, so I had to take the sniffer.

I know that I need 7 new coil on plugs as well as new spark plugs. Do you think the bad COP's caused these readings?

I was thinking about swapping in a stock chip and stock injectors just for the OBD test so I wouldn't have to take the sniffer test--any thoughts as to whether or not this will cause an extremely lean position in driving over to the site (<5 miles)?
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Tune ups will effect your emissions. Before I take any of my heaps thats the first thing I do. Get your car in working order. Bring the reciepts for the parts and labor (if needed) and try again. I think in CT if you spent 450 bucks to correct your issues, they'll waive your emissions. Dry gas works good too.