finally getting off the dime.....

no i don't want to go camping.

what's funny to me is that i'm a native Texan and i can drive on ic and snow just as good as you yankees can. i hate driving here in it though because you're right there a bunch of idiots that think they either have to 5 miles an hour or think they can still go the speed limit or faster too. i go as fast as the conditions will allow but getting stuck between the 5 mph guys and the deathwish idiots can get pretty scary. wait, what am i saying, it's that way even without ice and snow here in good ol' Lubbock, Tx. just ask Jimmy Kelly, he'll tell ya what i mean. it does get worse in the ice though. when i was in high school i use to go practice my snow driving in the mall parking lot, you learn really quick when you have to avoid those big ass concrete light standards!!!!!!
Shoot it's like bumper cars when it's raining around here. Got to keep your eyes on the idiots around you when you drive in Lubbock.

I still love to practice snow driving in the lots when it snows or ices over. Fun!!

Hey bnickel we still need to get together sometime.

sally is NOT all buttoned up for the winter....I'm still waiting on her new shoes! (next week they say......)

Not to mention having to work on her in a GRAVEL DRIVEWAY!!!

Besides, I have enough "basement jobs" to work on this winter too......repaint engine, reskin door, come up with a new plan for world domination, clean up tranny, etc., etc......................

BTW - StDr - NICE PROJECT!!! Check out Mustangs Unlimited's website, they now carry cat guts too!

bumper cars, excellent way to put it!!!

yeah, we do need to get together still some time. not sure when tough, we'll figure it out i'm sure.
bnickel said:
when i was in high school i use to go practice my snow driving in the mall parking lot, you learn really quick when you have to avoid those big ass concrete light standards!!!!!!

Yeah, that's kinda like after my first winter back to New England with the 99' Mustang. The first 5 minutes of fish tales were fun and all but I knew I had to get another 4X4 DD right quick!

We got hit with two huge storms two days in a row right off the bat, this was worse case indeed to test her out.

well i've never owned either a 4wd or a fwd car and i can drive pretty well in the snow. in fact the only time i ever had a problem driving in the snow was in my wifes 95 monte carlo, was just cruising along and the car decided to swap ends on me.. TWICE. well and the time i couldn't get my little mitsubishi pickup away from the curb in front of the house because the rearend was too light but i don't really consider that driving since the truck never went any where. i just called in to work that day.
Back Again....

:OT: Well, we managed to get the Scouts safely through another campout; we didn't kill anybody other than a LOT of Rainbow trout. Fifteen fishermen times a 5-fish limit equals an ice chest 3/4 full of cleaned fish.

Just an aside: I officially do not like lake-fishing for trout as much as stream-fishing. Boring - you throw your line out there with about a 1/2 oz weight and 5' of leader terminating in a #14 treble hook buried in a big glob of Powerbait. And you wait. And wait. And wait. <yawn!> It's like lake-fishing for catfish! Almost lost my pole once, 'cause I fell asleep while waiting for the tip to wiggle indicating I had a fish - one of the kids yelled at me and I caught the pole as the reel was about 6" from the water.
And they taste funky, too. Fishy - not like "real" trout.

Oh; and to recycle the tired old joke I heard either here, or on, or over on Network54: I searched high and low while driving through the Cleveland Nat'l Forest to Lake Cuyamaca; didn't see one stinkin' Cleveland anywhere! Couple Chevy 350 pieces on the road and one mangled motorcycle being pulled out of a culvert; but no Clevelands (or even Windsors for that matter)

Anyway, I came home to find the carport had NOT been cleaned out. I guess Jessie doesn't want the Cougar fixed all that badly after all......
Maybe it'll just become my car right away
Well, there's always Auto Mechanics Merit Badge..... Otherwise, there's not a lot about Muscle Cars in Boy Scouts. They've become awfully "PC" in the last 10-15 years. 351 cubic inches (or 357 cubic inches at .030 over) of fire-breathing 335-series Ford muscle doesn't quite fit the whole "conservation" image

That always slays me.... I can remember when my mother-in-law-to-be had a 1982 Cougar (a four-door Mercury version of the Fairmont) that she had bought new. After ragging on me about "that hot rod of yours" (my Gran Torino) "that will never make it through the smog test", she ran her sweet little ersatz "Cougar" through the Pima County Emissions testing station (and Selby Lincoln-Mercury) four times before it passed. I was run through the test twice in the same vist because the HydroCarbon reading was too low! They thought they had a bad test sensor; when in fact it was because I had set the timing at about 2* into spark knock and locked down the set screws on the vacuum actuator for the back barrels. Baby (my Gran - with a Cleve built up pretty much like the one in our Cougar, but still factory bore) ran like crap to and from the testing station; but she got through the test with flying colors.

Of course, I just had to limp her along no farther than M-I-L's house before I reset the timing and the actuator pushrod - oh, and show The Future Mrs. StDr's mom my emissions test form

2nd EDIT: placed before the first EDIT: Susan tells me that was the worst thing I could do..... point out where her Mom was wrong. (Stinkin' Democrats, anyway!)

EDIT: Jessie read this and grumped because I failed to mention that she actually did clean out the carport after school today.....