Fivespeedsteed's Build Thread

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thanks man. mr.crane i guess the stance is okay, im not big on the raked look for now, but i got c springs so... i think im gonna research springs, probably end up with some nice h&r's soon. and i gotta figure out why my ride height is so screwey. the back passenger side is about 3/4's an inch too high.. all in time.
thanks man. mr.crane i guess the stance is okay, im not big on the raked look for now, but i got c springs so... i think im gonna research springs, probably end up with some nice h&r's soon. and i gotta figure out why my ride height is so screwey. the back passenger side is about 3/4's an inch too high.. all in time.

frame could be twisted, mine was, figured it out after i had the coil overs on the car and couldnt get the ****ers to be even around the car
yeah i rear ended someone not too bad, as you can see, its unfixed in those pics, everyone is quick to say the cars warped up. im gonna play around with the springs and stuff making sure there tightened with a load on and all that first before i say frame damage. will a 4 wheel alignment tell me if it is or not?
thanks man. mr.crane i guess the stance is okay, im not big on the raked look for now, but i got c springs so... i think im gonna research springs, probably end up with some nice h&r's soon. and i gotta figure out why my ride height is so screwey. the back passenger side is about 3/4's an inch too high.. all in time.

give it time to settle. mine took almost a month to settle complete...that was about 400 miles. didnt drive it much. mine settle almost 2 inchs in the rear from where it was with having a horrible rake.
yeah matt thats my friends at school, the white one. its a great shape car.

just spent an hour and a half in dmv, i got my plates and crap and its at the shop getting an alignment and they are making sure everythings tight for me. phew i hate dmv
well i got everything in my name and i got my tags, alignment is perfect but the only thing is it feels like the balljoints are still shot. when i turn while going slow in a parking lot or turn hard while slowing down (like to back into a parkingspace) i still get the kuh kunk like i have shot balljoints. my friend said the balljoint instructions were to put 100 miles on it and then re tighten everything. so i might go pull it apart and try that. its been a long ass day, between dmv and wokring but its really bugging me that i might be destined to have bad balljoints my whole life. is that test where you grab the top and bottom of the wheel true? ive been told it doesent work on macpherson strut cars.
now im super confused. i just spent 30 minutes in a parkinglot with 94gtho trying to figure it out, if you take it to full lock it knocks, either way, if you do almost full lock, then do full lock, back off a little, full lock back off a little it will knock when you bank off full lock. it will rub the wheels at full lock going one way then wont the other way, until you make it knock it seems. sounds like the rack and the rack bushings to me. also one side rubs (the side most of my rearending was on) and the others got a half inch of clearance. time to spend more money i guess and get it all on a frame machiene.
im actually allot more pissed off than it seems. im pretty sick of this. all i want is to be able to turn while going slowly in a parking lot and not listen to it knock and complain. it really feels like my balljoints did, i might just pick the spindle up off the balljoint and see how it feels. im really confused as to what causes an almost full lock knock, of all the things it could be theres balljoints, the rack, the top of the strut moving, or what it is.

i think me and shandolin figured its the rack bushings.