Even if he won or got an injunction it wouldn't halt production for one second; they would simply build Mustangs without that option. It could cost Ford if they agreed to buy x amount of materials from their supplier. By the way, I love that option; after driving cars for years with the same color, it's nice to have an option.
Redzz2005GT said:
This guys patent expired due to non payment of maintenance fee, which is required by the US patent office.

A lot of people think that once they get a patent, it lasts for years. The truth is that a patent holder has to continually fork over fees to the US Patent Office in order to keep their patent. All too often, when a patent holder doesn't make a quick buck off their invention, they loose interest, and stop making the payments.

I just don't understand why this guy, and his attorney, didn't check this out first. I mean, I hope his attorney has at least some experience with patents.