Frankenstang- The Tuning [M112 Eaton custom blower build]


10 Year Member
Apr 6, 2011
Hillsborough county
So i figured since I was tuning the newest combo i would share the experience with all of you, This will be my first attempt at tuning a MAF setup from start to finish.
The car is already running and idling in closed loop with the ign timing locked out in TS at 15*, I must still verify timing with a light.

The combo is as follows.
-306CID SBF with Stock crank and rods, DSS street forged pistons, total seal TS-1 gapless rings.
-GT 40 heads with port work and 2.02, 1.6 valves
-custom intake manifold with adapter for a M112 blower pulled off a wrecked XKR Jaguar
-I had to make the adapter and the inlet plenum for the blower
-BBK fuel rails with 47lbhr FORD racing injectors
- Ignition system is handled as wasted spark using a custom trigger wheel setup and coil packs from a early 2v 4.6

This build utilizes a heavily modified DIYPNP with semi sequential injection and ignition mods... I also have a JBperf. Tinyixo handling all the IO for the fans/wmeth/pwm outputs ect since the microsquirt card was fully taxed by the mods. the tiny io and the microsquirt talk over canbus.

I will attach a copy of the tune i am working with along with the first datalog of the car running on MAF.


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This has nothing to do with tuning, but I absolutely love the look of that Eaton sitting on top of a pushrod 5.0! I'm going to have to find your build thread. Had a Kenne Bell a few years back, always thought it'd be cool to fab up an Eaton on one.
This has nothing to do with tuning, but I absolutely love the look of that Eaton sitting on top of a pushrod 5.0! I'm going to have to find your build thread. Had a Kenne Bell a few years back, always thought it'd be cool to fab up an Eaton on one.
Its in his signature
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Well guys i dont have any video of the first drive but i do have a datalog!! when looking at the log keep in mind all the ignition and AFR fields are referenced off of MAP, MAF only does fuel.
I made 7.5 lbs of boost during this pull, this was with the stock fox crank pulley. I have a bronco pulley that should add 3-4psi.
lots of things are not enabled yet, [w/meth, pwm solenoid for meth, boost bleed solenoid (controls rate of boost onset)]
these are all off to make sure everything works as intended.


Did some searching and on the HP tuners site alot of guys say the HP is fairly close to the MAF g/sec.
on an engine dyno a PD blower engine usually makes (MAF g/sec)*(1.1) at the flywheel.
this rough estimate says i have 380hp at the flywheel or 326 at the tire.
This seems like a fun way to guestimate HP.
Today i have for you a datalog with a working speed sensor input on the DIYPNP using a timer circuit from the tinyiox. You will find the field in the datalog under tiny:vehiclespeed
I have a few other added sensors as well but they are currently in the planning stages.


Back from the dead it is.... I'd use a blow through slot style maf. I bought a lightening m112 to install on an older project. Guy stopped making intake (disappeared) ... So I've got this rebuilt supercharger and no way to put on the car.
Did you mean to post in my tuning thread? This car is already fully operable, the kit Joey came up with was a joke at best.
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Lookin good Steve! :nice:

So, the logic you wrote to "interpret" these inputs convert the signals from the sensors into MPH and PSI? Was the oil pressure easier than the VSS to figure out?
Much easier, this was really simple you just use the custom channel editor. The vss input was non-standard as I am using the tinyiox and a timer input for that.. If this was as MS3 and not a Microsquirt it would have been very simple.
Been a while since i last posted so i thought i would add another datalog file. This one is a continuous log of me driving about 90 miles.
in the Scatter plot add these fields once the file is loaded.
X: map x RPM
Y: Duty Cycle
now enter the data filters and turn them all on, you will see the scatter plot in a nice straight line from one corner to the other. This means the tune is darn near done. If i had an MS3 i would be turning the long term trim tables on right now.


Ok so i have found some small issues with the tune itself, being its my first MAF tune this is to be expected... I am also very picky. I forgot to turn off multiply in map under general settings so i had to essentially start the MAF tuning over. This was only a small setback as the car drove the same with no issues save for the AFR numbers being slightly off.
Now i got the AFR dialed in idling in the yard after it had warmed up and took off to work datalogging. when i arrived in the parking lot at work i looked down to notice the AFR had climbed up to 16 from the 14.7 i tuned it to at the house. same spot on the VE table now needs more fuel, I assume this is a temperature correction issue but not 100% on it. I may need to reference the VE trim table vs g/sec in the maf curve. but i digress....

I would make a MAT correction change and see if it helps but I am getting my reading from the IAT sensor under the blower so i can see IAT temps under boost and pull timing with them. So this temperature is not the same as the temperature of the air flowing thru the MAF sensor. I would think for the MAT air correction to work correctly in MAF i would need to use the sensor in the MAF housing....

@5.0Thunder @Blown88GT I know you two have been running successfully on MAF, am i overthinking this? should i just stop being so picky and let the EGO correction take care of it? only seems to be an issue at full heatsoak hot idle.
So this temperature is not the same as the temperature of the air flowing thru the MAF sensor. I would think for the MAT air correction to work correctly in MAF i would need to use the sensor in the MAF housing....

@5.0Thunder @Blown88GT I know you two have been running successfully on MAF, am i overthinking this? should i just stop being so picky and let the EGO correction take care of it? only seems to be an issue at full heatsoak hot idle.

Glad you're getting some time to play with the MAF stuff! Don't lower your standards and allow EGO to chase the targets so much! :) I chose to use the sensor mounted in the manifold (same as you), which does allow MAT/MAF corrections to work properly. Temp and MAF are two separate channels on the ECU so it doesn't know/care that the temp element is physically disconnected from the MAF element. It knows Mass Air Flow, it knows air temp in going in to the cylinders, it can then properly correct the fueling. My idle AFR stays around 14 from 120deg to 250deg air temps (roots blower life).

To do this, I just waited til the intake air got really hot at an idle and tweaked the upper limits of the correction curve until it brought my AFR back to the target, then kind of linearly plotted the points between normal and hot. Only took a few minutes and it works fine.
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Update: I loaded 10 or so datalogs together in one file and used the histogram generator to create an AFR table plot based on MAF load. I have previously been using MAP for both AFR and IGN table references. I loaded this table and altered the general settings to reflect the use of MAF for the AFR table and the AFR targets are now much closer with no other changes.
I may do this to the ignition table as well.

I also plotted the MAF load and RPM vs Hits in the scatterplot and used it to find where i needed the most resolution in the table for this MAF, happened to be between 20 and 70 MAF load.

As for the wandering idle target I am going to wait and see if this fixes the issue without doing any further adjustments.
New tune file for reference.


That's one tricky thing that I had to figure out with MLV. Your table in the tune will be based off of MAF Load but MLV wants to use MAP as a default Y-Axis variable so you have to change it. Works well after that.

That said, I still think you'll have to tweak the MAF/MAT correction but again, it's easy breezy.