Got pulled over for smoked tail-lights...again


Please ask me how much my supercharger cost
Apr 6, 2004
Texas City TX
Ok so i got pulled over again for my smoked taillights, luckily i just got a warning but this has been like the 4th warning in 2 years so im thinking maybe it's time to go back to stockers.

It sucks because the car really looks good with the smoked lights but it's just not worth getting in trouble anymore.

Have any of you had the same problem?

Here's a pic of mine
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Wow. They look very dark. Are they super tinted? Nightshades? Maybe the white car makes it stand out more?

I too would never put anything on my car to give cops a reason to pull me over. Its not worth it for smoked tails. I got pulled over for no front plate a few times. Now its back on there and I haven't had to deal with the cops since.
Wow. They look very dark. Are they super tinted? Nightshades? Maybe the white car makes it stand out more?

I too would never put anything on my car to give cops a reason to pull me over. Its not worth it for smoked tails. I got pulled over for no front plate a few times. Now its back on there and I haven't had to deal with the cops since.

Stupid front plates. :mad:
I think it really is the white car because those look super dark. I just ordered some from American Muscle so I will see how bad those are. Did you do them yourself? If so maybe take some fine sandpaper to it to lighten it up and then see what you think?
Yea they may just look real dark because the car is white, i may try to just put a light shade on and go from there....

And yea i did them myself with some of the spray stuff from american muscle, which by the way is a complete rip-off, you only get like a 4 ounce can from AM, Oreilly's sells a big regular spray can size for half the price....
You need to read the laws for your area about tail light tint. Usually they say that the light output cannot be reduced as viewed from 200 feet, which those will do.

And remember, just because you haven't been pulled over or received a citation, does not mean it's legal. I rolled a O/R X pipe on my 98 for over a year with no issues.
Those do look very dark, I'm not surprised. My smoked lights are a little more translucent, although my headlights are pretty dark. No issues yet. Then again, TX sucks.



I got my license when I was 16. I'm almost 24. I have had 3 tickets in my life, all 3 in TX.