GT Insurance Costs?

What's up guys, I'm new to the forum and have quick insurance question. I am 17 and I have a deal ready to go to trade my 2000 Tacoma 4x4 for a 2000 Roush GT Stage 2. All I need to know is about what the insurance will be. My insurance provider is being really lame with their quotes so far... $690/per month is the lowest I have gotten so far, this doesn't seem right.
I really feel your pain on this one! When I was 18 I bought my first mustang, a 1996 Cobra. At the time I was on my parent's insurance policy so I didn't have to pay the high premium. After having the car for about a year I ended up putting it in my name and the insurance as well. With only one ticket on my record, I was paying around 425 a month. You, being a 17 yr old male, are a "high risk" driver, and will pay a rediculous premium until you're 25. I would think you could get insurance for around 400-500 a month though. Did you try someone like progressive or geico? Maybe they are cheaper...? Good luck though, and just know that there are a hell of a lot of guys that are going, or have gone through the same thing!!
Hmm. I am hoping to get it insured with decent coverage for like $300/month. I was thinking about doing this, let me know what you guys think...

My dad has 3 cars insured on his current policy so he is on the "First Teir Prefered" program with American Family. If I were to be named on say a Ford F-150 with my dad on the policy as well, and have my dad insure the Roush for the $590/6 months he was told for it in his name, would I still be cool to drive the Roush 7 days a week? It makes sense to me but I don't want to find out the hard way should anything bad happen.
Wow! 3,4,500 bucks a month for insurance? That's nuts. Either that or I'm in the WRONG business. Put it in your dad's name and make a priority NOT to get to know your insurance agent very well. I guess there are bonuses to being 30 years old.
with my 5.0 i paid something like 130 a month. when i got my GT it went up to about 205 a month. i am getting a good driver discount and a multi car discount but i am the primary driver. having a perfect record also helps but the bottom line is that our age group is very high risk and insurance companies just have to look at the data and see that we're more likely to crash our cars than other age groups. a great way to get rates lower is to get all your friends to stop driving like retards, and to take racing to the track, not the street. but that might just make too much sense.
I have metlife. With my old 5.0 my rates were like 67 a month with a clean record when I was 21. At 18, it was around 140 a month. I was 23 when I bought my '03 and I went from 67 a month to 612 every 6 months. Totals out to a little over 100 a month. Not to shabby IMO. When I heard that I asked about what my payments would be with a Cobra. When they told me close to 2500 a year, I decided for sure on the GT.