Guys I need some help like you would not believe,This thing is driving me nuts. I have a 89 stang with a B-cam,Pro-M 75mm mass air,65mm TB,AOD with 2800 stall. I have tried every way I know of to get this thing to idle right with out that damn surge. I have used a feeler guage set at .002 to set the idle screw and put the TPS at .95-.99,runs fine for a few seconds then she will start surging in gear out of gear then stall. I have tried using one of Fords bypass plates,it will idle decent then but has a small surge when I put it in gear and idles about 1,000 rpms. HELP...... Should I just take this B-cam out and put a different cam in?if so what?E-cam?Isky? Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!