haha OMG too much debt?

Boss 351 said:
Who else is in the hole? While its fun and everything.... I'm trying to get out of it soon.

Always in the hole Still paying off my school stuff and car stuff. Work 6 days a week 10 hour days right now and starting next week when I pick up my other job it will be 7 days a week, 10 at one job 4-5 a night at others and my one day off will be work for the second job for 10-12 a day. But I plan to be debt free by this time next year and have everything all settled and be into my house.
Yeah freaking debts suck. I went to see a debt consultant, I can either go bankrupt or follow a tight budget for 2 years. I choose the tight budget and do some under the table work. It shouldn't be too hard as my budget was made in case I only make 1600 a month but I average way more than that. I pretty much sold the ZX2 so that fills a nice big payment hole... I'm going to try for 15 months and be debt free, we will see what happens.