Heavy metal guys...

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MahFiVeOh said:
Oh yeah, there is "nu metal" :D

Nu metal (also called new metal, aggro metal, man-rock or nü metal using the traditional heavy metal umlaut) is a musical genre that has origins in the mid 1990s. It typically fuses influences from the grunge[1] and alternative metal of the early 1990s with hip hop, electronic music and other metal genres, most often thrash metal and groove metal.[2]

Ummm, duh, I know what nu metal is. I just hate it.

Let me re phrase...

"There is no such thing as new metal IN MY WORLD."


Old School ftw. \m/:mad:\m/

alright, i only read a few posts, but i think there was WAY too much screamo (as i lay dying, boy sets fire... imo thats not metal)

heres some of the stuffn i've been hooked on lately:

(mind you i've been listening to a lot of grindcore lately)


amon amarth (already said)

cephalic carnage (colorado band thats getting pretty popular)

anal blast ( just because)

truculence (kinda like anal blast)

opeth (very melodic, quite soothing actually)

the berzerker


before god (pretty good nsbm stuff)
Roland69 said:
every time I go for a ride in my friend's 86 I-ROC I wear my mullet wig and crank that tune lol

lol back when i had my T/A me and my friends were bored one night, so we all dressed up like skid row and cruized the local wllmart parking lot blasting poison's "talk dirty to me", we were all hanging out the windows (even the kids in the back) and two of us had guitars and one with a set of drum sticks.....:rlaugh: it was priceless corrupting all those 70yr old bargain hunters
88 Fox GT said:
How about some good death metal bands?
Amorphis (the older stuff)
Bolt Thrower
Morbid Angel

Most all of the other good **** has already been listed.

lol. Good list and Macabre! They are from my home town, Chicago. I have all their CD's. Very tight, melodic, funny, fast metal band.

I'm into thrash. Most of the new stuff sucks but that's just my old a$$ opinion stuck in the 80's! Check out audiostreet.net and you can finds TONS of new - never heard of - bands in ANY genre. I found a grip of "new" thrash bands from Chile and South America. It's huge down there.

Here's my Live365 station if you're interested in old thrash: