Hood wont close/Emergency Brake Adjust

Potomus Pete

I'm still waiting for the fully nude shots
5 Year Member
Mar 7, 2019
Sarasota Florida
I have to slam my hood over and over. I cant see what has to be done because hood is closed. Where to start guyI s I just did my rear brakes and my E Brake handle goes all the way up, and still not super solid Ideas please
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Got to about 4:30 in this video to see how to adjust the drum brakes. This is what sets the ebrake.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOozkwPu-Vs

Double check and make sure you have the drum brakes assembled correctly as that will cause all kinds of issues as well. If it still is not right after adjusting the drum brakes then you most likely have stretched cables.
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Yes and it just wont catch...I will grease it up and see. This came out of nowhere and I have come this far I cant have my cowl destroyed. My car is running awsome right now. I am loving the vibes
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Once you have the brake shoes properly adjusted if the e brake handle still pulls up too far, look underneath by the transmission yoke and find the adjustment nut. The older cable might be stretched some so you need to take up the slack.
The adjustable cable that attached to the ebrake handle was no longer used on the 87-93 Mustangs. The adjustment is in the spring on the handle itself. Usually the cables stretch and the spring can no longer take up the slack.
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The adjustable cable that attached to the ebrake handle was no longer used on the 87-93 Mustangs. The adjustment is in the spring on the handle itself. Usually the cables stretch and the spring can no longer take up the slack.
My bad. Thanks for correcting me on that
Could the automatic adjusting mechanism be bad?
My old fashioned 83 tightened up with a nut....
Who at ford decided to improve on that?

Are your rear brakes drum? Did you adjust them with the Emergency brake off?
I am not saying that they are just its highly possible. Could be that the adjuster mechanism in the ebrake handle is not working properly. Decent thread on that here:

I would probably still put my money on the two rear ebrake cables and/or the rear brakes being out of adjustment or worn out.
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OP states he just did new rear brakes....... Really easy to make mistakes on drum brake hardware.....
I always do one side at a time so I have a " diagram " for re assembly on the other side.....
I did all the pieces of brake hardware. Does the wheel spin with a screwdriver thru the hole. I can check it. I have only driven to the store with my new brakes. They seem to work well, and I'll try these things after work. I cant imagine my canles being worn in Florida where a hill is nowhere to be foundk
On the hood:

Drop it down over the first latch.

Put your palms at 1/3 and 2/3 across the front and push down firmly like you're trying to break the brick [under] the top brick. :ninja:

See if that helps. Do [not] slam the hood down under it's own weight. This is what [eats] hood latches, and bumper stops.
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Most times a hard latching hood or deck lid just needs the latch mechanism cleaned and lubed if the have never been taken apart or damaged in that area.
As for the E brake issue, I always readjust the rear shoes after driving around a while. if the E brake worked before I would suspect improperly installed parts.
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Tighten the rear drum brakes ( from the adjuster) as tight as you can get them, THEN back off a few clicks till you get the amount of " rub " your looking for.. By tightening them up first takes out any play or slop before you adjust them....
If they are way loose, taking off the drum and tightening them up till you get some rub is a quicker way of taking out the initial adjustment play.. Continually check by installing the brake drum or if the drum will not go back on, loosen it a bit till it does.... Then do your tighten up fully adjust, then back off... Try to do each side equally....
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Good one Limp and General. Both little issues but this weekend I will pull the drums . After all its just four lugs. As for the hood I will take that mechanism off. I put this car away for two years and it's all coming back to me now.