I finally Got One!! heres some pics

Why even post that tho i dont get it? But anyway thanks punisher i did read the how to and i have a similar problem with my 90 but fixed it with changing the iac but i never owned a 94-95 so its kind of diffrent.

I havent had much time to really dig into it and solve the problem but i am taking it to get the codes pulled tonight and change the iac as well to see if that works. Ill update it tonight... thanks
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SeventyMach1 said:

Did that car originally have the white interior? I think that is a rarity. Caldwell?

Nice interior! :nice:

I think they made about 2,000 or so mustangs with white interiors
the seats you have (black) are most likely not factory.

to my knowledge, all white interiors were matched with white tops and white seats.

nice lookin car!