I think im getting screwed on this service bill


New Member
May 27, 2004
Sin City, NV
K we told this place to change out my tranny. He said it was a 4cyl tranny but whatever. So i bought a tranny from stangparts, he installed it. That tranny needed syncronizors (sp), so they sent us another one. So he took out that one and put the new one from stangparts in. Also, he was going to replace the fuel sender.

His description of work:
'R & R trans, disassemble and diagnose. Replace w/ customers trans. Diagnos fuel gauge. R & R fuel tank and sending unit. Replace second trans, change fluid and seal. Resurface flywheel.
Flywheel $45
Shop Supplies $25

1st transmission fluid 10.75
fuel sender 109.65 (i could have got it from 50resto for like $60-70)
Rear Seal? $13.79
2nd trans fluid 10.75
Total Parts- $147.94

<center>total labor $1145
total parts $147.94
disposal fee $5
total $1304.60</center>
:bs: :bs: :bs: :bs: What do you guys think? :bs: :bs:
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If they had supplied the transmission, and the first one had been bad, you wouldn't have had to pay for the second one...but since you supplied the trans, the fact it was a faulty trans was your fault, not theirs.
It does suck but I don't think that you are getting screwed on it though.

They did have to change the tranny twice. And the shop will have a markup on the fuel sender cause they also make money on their parts too.

Like the other guys have said that is why I too wrench on my stang. When I had to have a tranny rebuilt in my Challenger I pulled it they rebuilt it and I reinstalled it. It cost $450 for a reseal, 1 new band and a new 2800 rpm converter but a lot of labor on my part.
That sucks Heck you could have got a TKO for that. See its best to find a good mechanic get to know him and shoot crap with him every once and a while. Heck I bought parts for a tune-up, H-pipe, and brakes. For Installation from Ford Lincoln Mercury Mechanic. $70 Not bad for a couple of hours right. Most guy that work on mustangs love it so they dontmind doing it for cheap cause they get a thrill out of doing the work. My mechanic does good work just sometimes its hard to catch him at a good time.
Local Shop 3 days and $175 for my parts installed
My Mechanic one sat night before going to track. he took 4 hours or so the cost $70
A going rate for Mustang tranny R&R is about $450. You had it done twice. Then you had the gas tank R&R'ed, that was prolly about $250. You should learn to fix your own ride if you don't want those big bills! I have only been to a mechanic once in five years and that was to get my gears set up. Other than that, I do my own work even if I have to lay on the garage floor. :notnice:

That is a very fair price, and doesn't appear to be price gouging at all.

unfortunetly, that is what happens when people refuse to learn how to work on their own cars.

My brother picked up a running 86 gt ttop for $200 less than your bill.

Don't stress about it now, chalk it up as lesson learned and do the labor yourself next time.
Once you have pulled the tranny a couple of times yourself and replaced a clutch etc, you'll soon see where the money goes - ie its all labor as you detailed above.

BTW you got a steal on the taxes if it makes you feel any better - if that was WA state, you could tack on about another $130 in tax. God I love the internet - no tax and free shipping :)

well, i would prefer doing it myself....but i dont know how to. I could probably get it apart, but not back together. This is one of those things that someone that knows what they are doing teaches you. Since i moved out here from So Cal, i dont know anyone. I am taking a autoshop class next semester so i can pick someones brain and use their shop. And at 16, that $1300 pretty much taps me out. I thought i knew the guy because he did some work on my old stang, and my moms car. but i guess that didnt help much.
4dStang said:
A going rate for Mustang tranny R&R is about $450. You had it done twice. Then you had the gas tank R&R'ed, that was prolly about $250. You should learn to fix your own ride if you don't want those big bills! I have only been to a mechanic once in five years and that was to get my gears set up. Other than that, I do my own work even if I have to lay on the garage floor. :notnice:


Man, laying on the garage floor with undercarriage crud dropping into you eyes as you unbolt that H-pipe nut is what I live for! The worst thing so far was during my clutch install. For some reason I forgot about the puddle of brake cleaner under the newly cleaned flywheel, and rested my head in...it burns. :rolleyes:
FrdMustangCpe said:
well, i would prefer doing it myself....but i dont know how to. I could probably get it apart, but not back together. This is one of those things that someone that knows what they are doing teaches you. Since i moved out here from So Cal, i dont know anyone. I am taking a autoshop class next semester so i can pick someones brain and use their shop. And at 16, that $1300 pretty much taps me out. I thought i knew the guy because he did some work on my old stang, and my moms car. but i guess that didnt help much.

I had never done a clutch before and did it without anyone helping or showing me - putting the tranny back in by yourself is a beeatch though. So here is what you should do next time you plan on doing some work. Go buy a copy of the Chilton's and Haynes manuals. These will tell you how to pull it apart. And as they like to say, "installation is the reverse of removal". If, after reading those, you still aren't sure what you are doing, come and post here or corral - chances are if you are stuck somewhere, someone else was also stuck - the answer is in the search button. If after that, you still aren't sure, you might find someone close by from one of these boards that might take pity on you and come by and help you out.

Good luck
