In a Pickle


New Member
Feb 25, 2003
Strong Island
hey guys long time. anyways i sold the stang it still runs great wiht the 5.0 but the guy who bought it didnt love it as much as i and after a year it still has the v6 rear and tranny and got banged up. i was supposed to buy another v6 in brooklyn drove all the way out there and there was frame damage. so now im on the market for a v6 5 speed. if any one sees anything at a good deal can you please let me know. thanks. talk to you guys soon
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Yeah definetly look into getting a 5.0, if insurance is a problem we all could understand that but there is just so many more advantages of getting a 5.0. For the amount of money you would pay for let's say a 98 V6, I'm sure you could get a 94-95 stang with low mileage. Or even dip into the fox bodies. But it's your decision and Good luck on making it.