lets see some engine bays

how it sits now.. re-doing the engine bay


Diferent stages of progress...

N/A setup


Blower setup


DIY Turbo setup

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Oink those are so pretty... One day i would like to have my engine bay look half as good as anyone of those pics... Then again i don't know if could handle all the down time (could be winter prodject though?

BTW where did you get all the pulleys from?
Mine is really clean but not much bling bling, hopefully someday soon though, then I will have some pictures for ya!!!!!!!

BTW, I love your engine bay RiffRaff!!!!!! :hail2:

I am switching to a big turbo for more streetable power. I drive the car quite a bit and want to run 100LL and the novi was not cutting it with out an intercooler. The belt is ran that way because of the blower and where they put the alt. I have an intercooler in the way. A 26"x14"x4" cross flow.