lets see some engine bays

Big Jay said:
I painted it. About 15 hours to do. Sucked.
was that just painting it or polish/paint? Please say it wasnt just painting it...

Also, how did you get that "...Forced to be fast" on the side of it? Painted too? Want to do mine for me
It was alot of stages. First was gring the trick flow off the top and removing the extra vacuum boss that interfered with the VC breather.

The I paid to polish it. I did a lot of stuff at the same time so i am not sure what the cost would be alone.

Then I masked off every thing that was to remain polished. 3 hours

The DARK DRAGON MOTORSPORTS was a sticker to start out with. The sticker had a white boarder around the letters just like the "chrome" around the blue. I had to cut out the letters from the border (2 hours). Then lay the sticker on and mask the fins. I also ran a thin piece of masking tape over the sticker so when the sticker was covered with paint I would be able to pull off the tape and see where the letters started and ended.

I the used vinal letters and laid out the "...forced to be fast" (hour)
Once it was masked I scuffed, washed and primed the surface. (hour)

I mixed the blue and painted. After drying I pulled the masking off the sticker face and pulled the letters off the sticker. (2 hours) With the letters off I use lettering paint and filled in where the letters were (lt. blue). (hour) After drying I then carefully pulled the border off leaving a polished border. (hour)
The I used some vinal masking tape to lay out the pin stripes. I painted the stripes and pulled the masking off. Then I pulled the vinal letters off the side. I carefully washed the entire intake and the clearcoated the whole thing.

I did all the painting and polishing at the same time and I quess it cost about $750. I took about 60 hours to do the whole project. Excluding reassembly.
Mainly my indecisiveness and money. I couldn't make up mind for the longest time as to what I was going to build next and when I finally did something came along and it totally changed my direction of planning completely. I made a few purchases, but now I am second guessing myself if I did the right thing. I hate to half ass anything when it come to my car and I find myslef making more and more compromises on this buildup. I like to research EVERYTHING I do to my car before I do it, but there are so many options with the route I'm starting to take that I just don't know which is the right direction for me. I HAVE to have the car done by the time the baby is here, so I need to really start making some decisions soon, but I just don't want to be second guessing myself down the road as once this build up is over, the car is DONE in terms of performance. I don't want to ellabortate much more on it at this point in case I do in fact sell what I have already purchased and go in another route.