Lost 30 lbs


I shaved all my pubes playing this game.
10 Year Member
Mar 13, 2004
Dupont PA
So at the end of april i decided i wanted to drop my weight to 185 I was at my record high weight of 220.. Today i weighed in a 190 and have a week and a half to hit my 185 goal weight..
Heres how i lost it. I started taking ripped fuel and eating better mostly chicken and turkey sandwiches with a granola bar snack and drank only water. My new job helped a bit 2 because i move 100lb canoes all day. So after about 5 weeks i was stuck at 197 while still taking the ripped fuel so i stopped taking it and just started loosing weight again.. I also excersise 4 times a week and completely said goodbye to fast food.. Im so fuggin pumped except the fact i have to buy some new clothes because mine keep falling down now.. :banana:
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88Stang331 said:
Thats amazing, 30 lbs in that short of time. Keep up the great work, your body will thank you when you get to be older:nice:
When you get older, it gets harder to loose. Food is one of the last of sensual pleasures of old farts besides fast cars...:D
RsStanG1987 said:
So at the end of april i decided i wanted to drop my weight to 185 I was at my record high weight of 220.. Today i weighed in a 190 and have a week and a half to hit my 185 goal weight..
Heres how i lost it. I started taking ripped fuel and eating better mostly chicken and turkey sandwiches with a granola bar snack and drank only water. My new job helped a bit 2 because i move 100lb canoes all day. So after about 5 weeks i was stuck at 197 while still taking the ripped fuel so i stopped taking it and just started loosing weight again.. I also excersise 4 times a week and completely said goodbye to fast food.. Im so fuggin pumped except the fact i have to buy some new clothes because mine keep falling down now.. :banana:

So You've been on a diet!!!! No wonder you've been such an asshat lately! :D
Congrats. The right amount of exercise, food intake and sleep can do wonders. I just have a hard time with the sleep part. Having a two-year-old that doesn't go to bed 'til 8pm, and being tortured by the Spurs/Mavs series (causes extra beer consumption) puts a strain on my situation.

WATCH OUT for Ripped Fuel. I used it to help me with my workouts at the gym a few years back and it helped me get wicked workouts. Had to stop taking it when one evening while watching tv and drinking a brew, my heart started to jump around and skip a beat/stumble, etc. Needless to say this scared the *!*%^$ outta me! Went to the doc and he said not to take it. I was only taking a single pill 30 min. before going to the gym. Also, I was in good physical condition so this was a surprise to me that this happened. Needless to say I don't take any of that stuff anymore. Doc said that The beer ran head-on into the ripped fuel like a train wreck and caused the temp heart scare. Anyway................just sharing.

Keep up the good work.

btw-Spurs in 7.
Pistons will be out of the running tomorrow night :mad:

Congratulations on meeting your goal. So far, for me I am also at an all time high. I have given up all pop and also started eating healthier. Now, if I could just hit the tread mill before I got to work every day I can start moving back under 200 again.
that's great. I would recommend lifting weights now...or else you will look like every other skinner person.

right now I am on a all vegtable and fruit and somtimes chicken diet. I drink tons of water and am running. I lost like 15 pounds on fat in 5 weeks. some say it's not healty or I have aids....I went to the hospital..I am all good.

good luck with your future plans
Congrats man.

I have gone from 276 to 224 in about 6 months. I have 30 lbs left to get to my goal of 195. It feels great to lose the weight. Hopefully I am gonna get out to the track after memorial day and get some runs in. Just think of it this way, your making the car faster for free :D
302RollinHard said:
RsStanG must be like 18 or something if he can drop weight like that. HAHAHAHA Congrats either way. Now you can keep your passenger seat in the car at the track! :)
Im 23 when i graduated HS i was 175 and i was kinda ripped a bit but then went through little stints of lifting and eating at weird times.. Now im back on track..
im at 260 right now i lost 7lbs thanks to my new job not to bad for 4 days of work its like 90+ degrees in the warehouse so ill hopefully sweat off the 40lbs i gained from sitting on my ass for 6 months id like to get down to atleast 200lbs
I've always been scared to try suppliments and such when lifting. I don't want to hurt my body more than help it.

I've been stuck at 205-210lbs for a while now, but i am 6'1" so i guess i'm at a normal weight. I could prob drop down to about 195ish with some running..which i plan on starting shortly
Congrats on your weight loss! You're doing really good if you lost 30 lbs. in a month. For me, I'm trying to gain weight, which has always been a problem for me. My goal is 170-175lbs, I don't want to go above that. (I'm 6'0") Since high school I've been stuck at 145-150 until recently. I'm 158 now......give me a couple more months and maybe I'll hit my goal of 170 lbs. ripped :D I go for the Bruce Lee look rather than the Arnold Scwarzenegger look :jester: