
Since i am out of touch with reality (Iraq doesnt constitute reality especially since i voluntarily came here) i have no idea what good magazines are out there anymore. Its been a few years since i kept up a subscription, and was wondering what are the good magazines out there? Good tech articles with nice rides featured of all sorts. I am not a purist but i can definately enjoy looking at a concours resto job just as well as a modded out ride. The only magazines i manage to get over here at the PX are Modified Fords and Mustangs and Hot Rod and Car Craft every now and then. so any others i should ask my family and friends to stick in a box for me? I am into cars period but am partial to Fords, so any suggestions on some reading material? maybe get some ideas for another build or how to better do this one?
I get Muscle Mustangs and Fast Fords, and if I could only get one that would be it. 5.0 Mustangs and Super Fords is second. I think Modified Mustangs just went to 65 Mustang era only format, no current stuff.
Ditto on Hemmings Muscle Machines. I subscribe to several magazines and a few weeklys and HMM is the one I look forward to reading the most every month. Everything in it is well written, good photography and it has an upper class look and feel to it.