Melbourne area stangs

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If you click on the number of replies this thread has had, you'll see the breakdown of how many times we've all posted. I think this is my 39th on this thread. Anyway, when's the next time out to Bithlo? I might like to go.
Originally posted by White93'LX2.3
i just realized how many times ive replied to the thread...i think that this one makes like 38...that like half of all my replies on this entire site...i dont talk nearly enough on the other forums!

Where do you see that at with out going back and counting every post?
Originally posted by 1Bad89Coupe

Where do you see that at with out going back and counting every post?
when you first come into the forum where it has all the threads...if you look and see just to the right of it it says replies and views...if you click on the replies it gives you a break down of all of us.
Originally posted by erichmess_
If you click on the number of replies this thread has had, you'll see the breakdown of how many times we've all posted. I think this is my 39th on this thread. Anyway, when's the next time out to Bithlo? I might like to go.

Me and "my friends" want to go out on the 21st cause a friend's coming into town. Don't know if it'll go down though.
Hey guys, go into mustang 5.0 talk and let me know what you think of my dad's mustang....I just took some new pics this morning...

It looks good, man. Is it a daily driver, or does he only drive it at the track? It looks more like a track car.
Originally posted by erichmess_

It looks good, man. Is it a daily driver, or does he only drive it at the track? It looks more like a track car.

Daily Driver....:D Every once in a while he'll take it to the track, he hasn't ran it for about 6 months though. :( It likes to take it to shows also whenever he can. I'm jealous. Give me a few year and my stang might look something like that but red. :) Like father like son, right? :D
Originally posted by erichmess_
Looks like it's a good sleeper, then. I'll make sure to watch out for it around here. :D

Well, you have nothing to "Fear" because he lives in orlando...:D

I also wanna go to hooters, I think he said he'll be back at the beginning of January or something which works out great for me.....keep us posted....Lata!
Baglock1, if you are reading this (and just saw that post by mfpmax) i have one question for you...


I think maybe we should have a "practice" cruise-in over there. You know, just so we won't screw up when we do the real one. :D :p