Hey, so I have a 2003 mustang gt and I seem to have problems with it starting up and running. So first off the car runs but it hesitates and misfires. So I'll have the car in 2nd gear and I'm cruising at say 2200rpm and then I floor it and it just starts to spit a chug and pop sometimes. Also it shows fuel injector codes but I did resistance checks and cleaned them so now they don't show any codes. Also the car has intermediate trouble starting up sometimes it just cranks and cranks but won't fire until I let go of the ignition key . so I'll have the key pushed forward and it will keep turning the engine but won't fire and as soon as I let go of the key to stop turning it, and the starter stops spinning the car all of a sudden trys to fire up but fails. But if I try again the 2nd time it will start right up. Is this a alternator problem I replaced battery 3 times . also I did a resistance test on the coils and they checked out good.
Any help is appreciated, thanks
Any help is appreciated, thanks