My 5.0: 1/1991-07/21/08


Cookies should never be DUNKED!!!
Aug 3, 2004
atl ga
Well the stang is totaled, gone. It was my best friends birthday yest and I let him give his mom a ride in the mustang, he dropped the clutch too soon after revving it up and shot into traffic. I wasn't in the car. So my buddy ended up in jail until 2 this morning for reckless driving, he wasn't trying to show off, he had his 50 yr old mom in the car. I cried for hours, my dad bought it new....
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not sure right now, everyone was conscious and ok, but the driver of the other car went to the hospital to get checked out. My dad and I gave the passenger of the other car a ride home and she was fine. My friend and his mom are ok.
Dude I can't describe how much I'll miss the car, I had seriously planned on giving it to my son, I babied the thing. Time to look for a roller to swap my **** into.

You can part some stuff out too for money. Wanna sell your seats? :D J/K

Your next one will be nicer! :nice: And there still pretty cheap so get one before they go up in price. Your dad sounds like a pretty cool guy, I'm sure he'll help you out someway. :nice:
AHHHHH noo. i loved your vert man. just in time right after you sold the grand ehh? im soo sorry to hear this.i would have cried for days. especially if my dad bought it new. i bet you friend is pretty upset too. good luck finding a roller, if you need anything at all please let me know. id be willing to come down and help do some work or send whatever i have layin around if you need it.
Well actually luckily the jeep deal fell through so I will actually be rockin it for awhile. I haven't decided what I want to do. I might take my settlement and buy a bike or buy a roller, so many decisions....
wow man, that really sucks. Im really sorry to hear that. Thats exactly why I dont let my friends drive my cars. My one friend almost crashed my car into a tree without me in it. I hope the best for your next car. I say get a roller and keep the foxes rolling.