My 5.0: 1/1991-07/21/08

I remember when my Ex husband crashed into a pole with our brand new (well, 4 or so months old) '90 5.0 LX. I literally felt like puking. Then, about 6 or so months affter it was fixed, it got stolen. I understand your and Mike's pain. It's.... ugh........ no words...

17 years and I still miss this car.
Honestly, you can fix that car. If I saw a vert that clean at one of my auctions , I would pick it up. I know I have the resources here (as in other inner structures to weld into it at the shock tower or the firewall) This is a lot of work, and not for the faint of heart, but it could be done, if you wanted the car back.

That car looks beautiful. I don't believe that I have seen pics of the car before. I just swa pics of your upper end being rebuilt.

Bottom line....get the car back and get the drivetrain out of it ASAP...then sell the rest on Craigslist and Ebay. Clean very doors are hard to find, I got 350 each (700 pair) for the last set of rust free doors I had. They had a couple dings, but no rust. You can make some big money parting foxes.
yeah it has absolutely no dings at all, I will part it. I cried today at the yard. I can't afford to cut front ends off, I start school in two weeks and I'll only have weekends to work on it. A roller I could get everything in in a week or two.
That roller is real nice man. I would be so mad at my friend for wreckin your car. Nicest vert in my opinion. I would def paint the hood of the roller all black tho, it would look way cleaner. Good luck with the new project.