My new '05 V6!!! Problems already?!

Bad ball joints would be painfully obvious on a test drive; clunking llike crazy over bumps and when steering!!! bad rear shocks would be noticeable to most people; bouncy in the back. belt squeal would be obvious. All the flushes (brake/ ps/ coolant) not needed, unless you have specifically noticed an issue with that system.

Air filter & battery are easy to replace yourself. An Oil change is all I'd do on that list, and I wouldn't go to that guy.


Not all ball joints make noise or have any symptoms of being bad, other then being loose. I see it all day. Rear shocks can leak fluid and still not be "bouncy". And belts that have surface cracks don't squeel.

Let me quote you "unless you have specifically noticed an issue with that system" Are you crazy? These flushes are to PREVENT problems with the system. Flushes are not to FIX any problem. That's just a dumb statement.
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