My winter projects, 289 to 347


20+ Year Stangneter :roc</strong><span class=
Nov 15, 2002
Harrisburg Pa
Ok here we go, time to spend some bucks, pulled out the 289 and went to the junk yard and found a 302 Mexican block for my 347 build, Got a 347 stroker kit from TMD with Eagle crank, forged Probe dished pistons, H beam rods, moly rings
and a main stud girdel. All went to the machine shop to bore the block, deck, and align hone, tap out head studs to 1/2" the balance the whole assembly.
Im going with the 351 windsor heads, fully ported and ss valves. I will get a roller cam with a 114 lobe center for the Paxton blower pushing 5 modest Lbs of boost and am ordering right now a Holley Commander 950 system with 900 cfm just in case I need that much fuel, Going to also need a high stall converter too but didnt make up my mind on stall speed yet.
I hope to get about 450hp or better out of it,,, Zoom Zooomm :cheers:
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