new track times with control arms and no swaybar


New Member
Dec 25, 2006
i installed MM lower control arms new factory uppers and removed my sway bar. i would have never guessed i would see this kind of result from these changes. heres a time prior to these changes.

2.11 60ft
13.04 1/4
114.1 mph

after these changes

1.78 60ft
12.11 1/4
114.7 mph

both runs are on mt et streets. with a little practice i hope to see some high 11"s
Yea those improvements are not normal. However they do show the effectiveness of a good suspension. Note how the MPH didnt change hardly! This shows the motor isnt making any more power. The car is simply getting down the first half of the track that much quicker!

Excellent results.
i wasnt getting traction until i was into third gear . i think i gained the most from removing the front swaybar. im sure the control arms helped alittle too. i will tell you that the rearend fells alot tighter. the cotrol arms were money well spent.
good rule of thumb is every 10th off your 60ft is equal to 2 10ths in the quarter.sounds crazy but it has always proved correct for me and just take a look at his times and it works out as well.its all about the 60ft.good suspension will do wonders.