Outnumbered By Idiots

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Those aren't powdercoated fwiw
C'mon now, how can you possibly be shaking your head?....You've been privy to many of my "discussions" with other guys that got all p i ssy because I btched them out for their 6th grade, 3rd grade vocabulary and they wasted a bunch of energy arguing with me for being a grammar Nazi, rather than use that wasted energy trying to correct it.

People now days don't care that the words they write make them look like an idiot. We are the problem. We should forgive them for their ignorance because:

Their phone auto corrected.
They were too busy.
Their browser did not give them the benefit of a spell checker.

I'll admit my grammar isn't anywhere near perfect but I'll try. I'll also proofread what I post.
^^^^ What my wife hears ^^^^^

scary thing is that is really a training video and exactly how they used to train us back in the day. We would have to go every year or so to the training centers and have these eggheads do these long, technical dissertations. Ford was bad but Chrysler was the absolute worst. So glad I got out of that nonsense in the early 80's.
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scary thing is that is really a training video and exactly how they used to train us back in the day. We would have to go every year or so to the training centers and have these eggheads do these long, technical dissertations. Ford was bad but Chrysler was the absolute worst. So glad I got out of that nonsense in the early 80's.
What's genuinely sad is, the online training from Ford is worse than the old videos. Now you get all the non-education of the videos, combined with the frustration of malfunctioning media plugins due to bad coding that don't give you credit for the crap you just watched.