Outnumbered By Idiots

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It's a running joke amongst a circle of my friends I have it bookmarked. I ran across this thread and thought it appropriate.

Does the fact that it's 5 years old make it any less ridiculous?

No, just less relevant. If it had been current I would have signed up to join the fun. I saw the thread date and was bummed out. :(
So, all that time and effort spent on tuning jet engines for altitude has been a waste since they became computer controlled. :shrug:

Wish I could have met that dude before wasting all that time in jet schools. :(

This is borderline, saw it otw the other day.

This is borderline, saw it otw the other day.

Bah, that's nothing. Back in the day I worked at the customer pickup area of Sears (about 04-05 when the sn99s were new), and around Christmas time one year some guy wanted us to put a ping pong table on one of those (vert, and he had the top down and wanted it lashed to the top of trunk). After staring at him in disbelief for a minute and politely calling him a dumbass, he still wanted it done. Made him sign a waiver, loaded it up, and made him tie it down as I wanted 0 part of the blame when he came back to bitch about a scratched up car.
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