
Paul Perreca

New Member
Mar 30, 2005
Ok - neone who likes pantera, what do you think is the greatest guitar riff out of any of their stuff - the standard answer usualy is cemetary gates, but other than that lol cuz thats prob my favorite - just curious!
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Pantera... Mmmmmmmm.....

No no wrong Pantera Daggar :D . I think cowboys from hell has a really cool riff, but I love hollow. I honestly dont listen to cemetary gates that often but that is a very well put together song. Pantera is by far one of the greatest metal bands ever....and ever will be.
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Besides the ones always mentioned:

The outro riff to DOMINATION
The 2nd half verse in HOLLOW
The main riff in COWBOYS FROM HELL
The chorus from LIVING THROUGH ME (Hell's Wrath)
The opening riff/chorus from WHERE I COME FROM

...all are purely ****ing badass :D
Pretty much everything on Vulgar Display of Power ruled. It was the first album of theirs that I'd heard, and it was unlike anything else I'd ever listened to at that point ... but then, I was only like 13 at the time, and the only stuff I'd known up until then was Metallica and Megadeth, soooo... :)