parents buying their kids cars.

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yeah i hate it when rich basterds get mad cuz their mommy got them the base model mercedez instaed of the top of the line, or when they cry cuz there papi didn't want to pay for their trip to hawaii
my dad bought a 92 chevy lumina 4door for 700$ bucks a long time ago.
when i turned 16, he gave me the car, i ran around for a month or two without a job, parents payed for gas. I got my job, payed car insurance, payed for gas, saved up and bought both mustangs i have had, and the thousands i've spent on my current one. all on my own.

only been 2 years kinda of weird how much money i have gone through.
i put in half for my first car, 88 gt. had 90% of the mods given to me from my moms money. sold it.

paid cash for my 2000 gt. had it for 3 months then i got a cobra.

my mom got all the cash from the gt except 1500ish which i put into the cobra. now i pay payment/gas/insurance/mods. $500 a month for all of it, plus whatever i decide to spend for mods.

now that i got my new job, my income will be significantly higher and ill be trying to pay the car down a bit/mod it progressively until we can refinance.

then ill probably buy another toy and a new commuter car for my job. no wonder i never have any money.
wellit depends like evryone else said. I was 15 wen i bought mine i paid 4500 but only had 3500 dad took out a $2000 loan for me so i would have 1000 left after buying the car for insurance and all that good stuff. But the deal was if i missed one payment the car was his no questions about it. Alot of people say my parents bought me the car because of that but i paid every penny of the loan so they can think whatever they want.
i know kids with brand new 05 STI's and a kid with a 17k 2001 integra, with 10k worth of parts, all parent bought.

my dad forked out a whole 5k for my car, and it was about 6 or 8 months after i got my liscence because of my grades, i finally got the grades he wanted so he bought it for me. and im not allowed to drive it unless i have good grades.

oh yeah and i pay half of my insurance, and everything else maintenence wise.
Depends on the situation. In my case, parents told me if i kept a 95 average overall my sophmore year, they would buy me a car. I did, and they bought me the beater(i knew nothing about cars, could have got something better for the money, but it has been damn reliable which was my parents plan). For them, it was money well spent. They spent $5500 on the car, my grades got me a $4300 a year scholarship to school, so they come out over 10k ahead. Kids who are trouble should get nothing, but if you deserve it, work for it, and your parents can afford, you should get it.
i went to a highschool that was geared twoards bussines and there were kids there that had new rovers bmw's ect. and this one kid fliped his rover on the freeway and totaled it next day came to school with a new 740bmw. ive wroked for everything I own i drove a 900$ 74 courier for the first two years i had my lisence it wasnt the greatest but i felt like it was due to the working for it. i dont have a problem getting stuff from my parents if they feel like i deserve it they bout me a car after i finished school. and the kids i went to school with were bitching about how they didnt get leather seats or a sunroof in there cars.
3 years ago my dad bought me an unrestored '68 stang coupe 200ci green interior, I was the happiest kid alive...he bought it for like 2000 i think.. then after about a year we sold it to find something more practical, so i got 2300 from that and the ret of the money I saved was from me sasving all the money ive gotton for anything since i was 8 so i oculd get a stang and me working my ass off during the summer. I bought my bronco for 6500 and still ahve pleanty left but now my dad doesnt want me to get a stang for pretty much no reason!!!... but neway, as long as the kid deserves it and they arent spoiled i see nothing wrong with parents buying their kids first car as long as its not a benze or rover or bimmer thats brand new and some insane $$$, thats just ridiculous!
i agree if the kids deserve/ earn it then there is nothing wrong with parents helping out. my father told me he would match whatever i put up for my car. one of my friends however is currently 18 on his 15th car and still has 7 of them including a zo6 sti supra m3 and not to mention none of them are stock or even close... his dad is a milionare if you couldnt guess
sence i was 16 i had to pay my own way... meaning i bought my own clothes and food to eat... and i got to use my dads 85 pontiac boniville 5.0L when he was away... then when i was 18 i bought my first car a 88 Camaro RS... all paid for my me and then i had to pay rent when i turned 18... only 140 a month reason being my parents didnt have the money and didnt have the money when i was younger! i have never recieved anything high dollar from them... always had to pay my own way!
the chick down the block from me, probably 17, is a new driver. she got handed down her moms lincoln continental, probably a 98-99, because her mom got some mercedes, i dont know what year it is but i think its an sl55. the lincoln is in great shape but now i'm starting to see her drive the mercedes as well. i just dont get whats wrong with these parents. give this girl $100 and she'll spend it at the mall in an hour, why the f-ck would u put her behind the wheel of a $70,000 car?
i paid for all of my car except for $600 and a set of back tires as soon i brought the car home...i pay $1000 out of $1700 a year for insurance, i pay all gas, all repairs, all mods, and i work 15 hours a week....not a whole lot, but im a full time HS senior and its really all time very grateful for what my parents have helped me with...they have been great too me, and i always try to pay as much as i can back if i borrow any money for repairs....

what i CANNOT STAND is the kids at my school that get brand new cars that think they are the ****, and think they can beat me in a race....this kid i know has an 05 s2000....sure its a decent looking car, and pretty damn nice for a 17 year old, but his mom bought it for him, and hes so non-appreciative! every day he tells me how he is gonna sell it and buy a supra and make 600hp...he also tells me that he could whoop my ass with his car....if anything it would be super close, but even if he won, i dont give a ****! you got a $32k car handed to you from your mom, and i paid $4500 for my car outta my own earnings.....thats great if you can beat me i dont give a ****! if i had $32k to spend on a car, i'd have a 500+hp 04 cobra, and i'd be whoopin his ass left and right...the point is i spend about a 6th of what you did, and i can still edge you out...sorry i had to vent, it just pisses the hell outta me:mad:
I do believe that what my parents did was phenomenal. They told me that I could work before I bought my first car, and whatever I saved up they would match dollar for dollar. That is and was a great incentive to make me work harder. They of course would help me along the way if I "needed" things, but by no means just gave me money. I paid for it all, and if anyone wants to argue the fact that they got it handed to them and they are in the same boat of knowing the value of "earning a dollar" they deserve to be laughed right off the board...