Question for the younger Fox guys (22-)

i consider mine 80's muscle.

a few of my buddies who have newer cars, 96 mustang, 06 mustang....they always ask me why i bought an older car...i tell them its just the car i love....

same here. and also id rather not have to drive a 05+ every day. i can drive economy in the winter and weekdays, muscle on weekends.

after falling in love with the fox, i dont find any model after it that attractive.
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same here. and also id rather not have to drive a 05+ every day. i can drive economy in the winter and weekdays, muscle on weekends.

after falling in love with the fox, i dont find any model after it that attractive.
I like the '99-Present Mustang GTs, especially the '99-04s but not enough to own one. They look pretty good, have decent power and have the benefit of new technology. With that said, the only one I can really see myself buying is the 03/04 Cobra. I'm almost certain this will be my next car purchase. A good friend of mine's has an 07 GT (black/black). It's a very nice car but it just doesn't "do it" for me. I wouldn't mind having one as a DD though. Of all the 05+ Mustangs, factory and tuner, the PJ/Saleen is by far my favorite. Too bad I won't be able to afford one any time soon.
I would say that's the perfect defninition for it. Not the 70's Stangs, GTO's, and Chevelles, but 80's muscle.

And I do agree, since 94 they've become a chick car unless you get a Cobra or something. It honestly pisses me off when I see a woman drive a GT, because I know that car is not being given its full performance potential (there are some exceptions of course, like ~Franknstang~, LisaGT, and my girl.)

My friend (81elky350) makes fun that I drive a girls car (even though he likes 'em too)...and it would be true if it werent for the sn95's.

yup yup...since it a vert LX they think its a 4cyl

same here. and also id rather not have to drive a 05+ every day. i can drive economy in the winter and weekdays, muscle on weekends.

after falling in love with the fox, i dont find any model after it that attractive.

if i had the chance to get an 05+ i sure would..but that would just mean it would be a DD the 5.0 would not go anywhere...ill always have a 5.0 mustang.
I view the fox as a middleground between the classics and the new school stuff. It has the computer along with newer features, but it is a lot simpler, and still carries a dizzy along with an old school heart.
I agree. In a way, they bridge the gap between old school and new school. Although with things like rear drum brakes they are definitley leaning more towards old school. lol
the engine is all old school. there was a half hearted attempt to launch it into the future with the addition of EFI and the EECIV system, but there was a lot left to be desired with the H/C/I.
Considering my car is 23 years old, i consider it a new classic. If you look at it parked next to anything made within the last 3 years, the differences are astounding. The shape, the way they were made, everything is so much older. I think i can even get historic tags for mine....that's old enough for me to consider it a classic. Then again i'm 28 and wasn't invited to this forum :(
Im 5 years older than my fox. My grandparents got it new for my uncle when he was in highschool, then after that it sat in his garage for about 10 years. Then I got it from him, the $500.00 car lol. Had it since and wont get rid of it. I think of it as 80's muscle, with its boxy look, it dont look like a spaceship or jellybeen with wheels going down the road like some of the other junk I see. Plus it aint a cow in the weight deparment neather. plus every ricer on the planet wants to use it as a benchmark lol.
I love the LX foxes, they look clean. oh and im 23 :nice:
yeah. my dad likes the 05+ but i need a econobox. less fuel costs = more fox money.

my dad wont let me have 2 cars at one it sucks int he reason that i have to drive my 5.0 everyday...i filled up monday morning before school...full miles later, ive used 3/4 tank of gas :notnice: but it was a fun 3/4 tank :D
my dad wont let me have 2 cars at one it sucks int he reason that i have to drive my 5.0 everyday...i filled up monday morning before school...full miles later, ive used 3/4 tank of gas :notnice: but it was a fun 3/4 tank :D

oh... well unfortunately i havent got my eco-box yet. (suppose to be a grad gift, hopefully the fiesta that suppose to come here in 09)
so im driving a 97 grand marquis, which actully gets alot less milage-per-gallon than the stang. But i heart it. I got the cleanest old man car on the block. maybe il get tints... lol. After i lose this baby il be stuck with a 4banger turd..:(
I think of them as modern muscle cars. They're muscle cars that you can drive every day without a big sacrifice in comfort or reliability. Although they're very different from the original muscle cars of the 60s and 70s, they still have the power and some of the rawness that made the original muscle cars fun to drive.

I wouldn't call a foxbody a classic just yet, but I do consider it one of the most classic body styles to come out of the '80s, if that makes sense. It's a car that ~20 years later people still recognize instantly and that still looks good to many.