Well, are you looking for a project, or a ready to drive, done car? I decided on both (my ready to drive was less than half the price of a Mach though, otherwise, it would have been project only-no ready to drive fun car!!). I love the new Mach (and the 99+ sn95's in general). Are you looking for something to just cruise in, or something that needs to be ready to go when you want/need it to? Even the best restomod is still a 30+ year old car, with 30+ year old car issues. Are you looking to hit the show/cruise night scene? The newer models can get some flack when appearing there (I get it sometimes with my 00. But I also get a lot of compliments-maybe partly because it's an unusual color-people don't realise they are looking at a 99.9% stock v6. And some people-including some judges-just love the car). At the same point, not everyone is gonna love your car all the time anyway, just be aware that if that is the plan, you WILL get atleast "the look" from someone. In the end, it's up to you. If you have the space, time & money, why not go the route we took? Pick up the 65, stash it away and buy parts as cash flow allows while enjoying the awesome new Mach?