second gear


Founding Member
Jun 23, 2002
Vancouver WA, USA
almost every time I shift into second gear coming from first I feel the tranny grab just a bit...I mean it isn't grinding but it just slightly feels like if I tried to shift into second harder that it would grind but pretty much any throttle pressure whether hard or light produces the exact same results....however downshifting to second feels great as does shifting to second after double you guys think that I will soon need new synchos in second? This seems weird cause I just bought this car from an old couple and it only has 72,000 miles on it. the couple drove it smoothly never pushing it....this I know. What is your input...I am not sure I have the money for a tranny rebuild now so I will prolly just double clutch for now but any ideas?
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my thing is, whenever there is a problem with shifting, the first thing i think to do is the clutch cable. I have solved every problem by replacing it. You should try it. Then if it doesnt fix it, you know that you dont have to replace the cable for a while. Thats when you start getting worried
As said before, an adjustable quadrant and clutch cable solves many problems. If that doesn't do the trick, try adding more trans fluid - it could be low. Actually, try that first.

Also, in order to truly diagnose a problem, you cannot baby the car by double clutching and taking it easy. Of course I'm not saying pound the hell out of it, but just shift the car like a normal 5-speed. If it makes noises, let it. You're not hurting it. Our transmissions are THE TOUGHEST transmissions put into a car as OE. I flat shift the hell out of my car, and it whines and it a little notchy, I just pull harder :D.

Try the basic stuff (mentioned above) first before just assuming you need a rebuild.
