Stang=broken into wallet=teh gone!!!!!

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grey5.0beast said:
I was thinking bout having my neighbor(hes 24) roll up there with his ccw and in case a weapon is pulled, he can break it up/have my back. One kid, the riceboy had a 9 in his car... I may be in a smidge of trouble if it was one of his friends.

CCW on school property is a no no:nono:

Your friend will not only go to jail, but he will never be able to carry again.

Lesson learned, be more careful next time.......sorry you had to learn this way. It's F'd up, but unless you can prove who did it, you can't kick the crap out of everyone at your school.
:nono: Don't ever let some punk street gang intimidate you. If they were so tough, why do they fear cops like they do? If they were tough, they would stand up the the cops. 9/10 of them can't shoot a gun even if they have one. If you know someone carries a gun illegally, turn them in. If you know they are dealing drugs, turn them in. If they are dealing and carry a weapon, they are looking at long, hard time in prison because at that point it becomes trafficing.
Carry a bike chain in your pocket if one of them pulls on you slap him in the face with the bike chain. Or you can go take some mixed martial arts lessons and learn how to disarm someone who has a gun.
two of my mustangs were broken into windows smashed door locks pryed out I have lost two cd-players, my bookbag with $400 worth of college books, and a cd book the biggest hit was the college books insurance gave me $50 for the books lost all my homework and fell behind in a couple classes. I will never park my cobra where I cant see it.
Turn his ass in for not having a CCW permit (gotta have one around here) and being under the legal age for having the firearm.

I just got out of HS... Alot of people here bring guns to school... but most are rifles/shotguns because we all hunt and shoot... But I don't like pistols at school... I turned a guy in for that, they kicked him out for a year and then had to go to a different HS. Just something about "gangstas" with guns get to me, usually they are very stupid.

I would say get the cops in on the theft, but that won't pan out to much. If you find him, talk so much trash he wants to start something with you outside of school, then finish it for him.
lift up fox body door handle.
Insert screwdriver into small hold under handle.
Press against the lock post
Push UP to unlock

YOUR IN!!!!!!!!!\\


Ohh wait you have a vert, well it still applies but no really
Ok, so lemme get this straight. You left your own walllet in your car, someone took it, and youre ready to go to jail over it... Let me give you a different idea of how you should work this thing out...

First, i would stake the parking lot out, ya know, all incognito View attachment 444258 then i would go home and hit the View attachment 444260 so if you do get stabbed, at least you wont feel it right away. Then i would come back, and walk up to the View attachment 444262 in the View attachment 444264 mobile and be like GTFO of your car. Hes gonna look at you like View attachment 444266 , so be prepared for that... if he doesnt take you serious, then give him the ole evil eye, and back up becasue hell be comin out of the car all pissed, and as soon as he does, have a homie in the bushes with a rock and... View attachment 444268 when he isnt lookin. Then once hes on the ground, grab a chair and View attachment 444270 . By this time, all of the school will be outside and will be all View attachment 444272 cause your whoopin the piss outta this guy, but right about the time you get all rambo, he hollars out to his homies for help, and thats when the real fun starts... youre all View attachment 444274 so noone hears, but to your dismay, his friends with thier glocks come a runnin, and it looks like this... Them ---> View attachment 444276 <---- You ... then instead of everyone in the school cheering for you, they are all of a sudden View attachment 444278 once again ... so the ricer sees his boyeeeez helpin him, so he runs his mouth like View attachment 444280 ... at this point you realize you better run or hide, you decide running is View attachment 444282 so instead you think about making a truce instead... but out of nowhere, here comes your old skool homie Bubb Rubb View attachment 444284 and all the kids in the school are like :eek: so you give Bubb Rubb the low down and hes like View attachment 444286 Bubb gets mad about the whole deal whips out his flame thrower!!!! and View attachment 444287 the ricer!!!! The fight is over... you thank Bubb Rubb and he says View attachment 444288 and creeps out as quickly as he came... all the students are cheering for you once again, so you get on your soap box and talk about how stealing wallets that are left in cars is just gay.. so all the women start showing you thier View attachment 444290 and the rest of the teachers and faculty worship you like View attachment 444291

So its either jail, or king of the school.. you decide.
RsStanG1987 said:
...Or you can go take some mixed martial arts lessons and learn how to disarm someone who has a gun.

Yeah you don't learn that in a day and you need a LOT of practice before even thinking you can use it in a real life situation... I've been in Judo Jujitsu for 4 years and still I'd run from a fight unless I'm cornered.
Boss 351 said:
Yeah you don't learn that in a day and you need a LOT of practice before even thinking you can use it in a real life situation... I've been in Judo Jujitsu for 4 years and still I'd run from a fight unless I'm cornered.
it doesent take that long to learn to disarm a thug. My friend is in the marines and showed me how to disarm people i picked it up pretty quick. We practiced some of the stuff he showed me im confident i can do it.
That has to be the funniest $%^& I've read in a loooong time- and you took up all the smilie space!!! YES!
FarBeyondDriven said:
Ok, so lemme get this straight. You left your own walllet in your car, someone took it, and youre ready to go to jail over it... Let me give you a different idea of how you should work this thing out...

First, i would stake the parking lot out, ya know, all incognito View attachment 444213 then i would go home and hit the View attachment 444215 so if you do get stabbed, at least you wont feel it right away. Then i would come back, and walk up to the View attachment 444217 in the View attachment 444220 mobile and be like GTFO of your car. Hes gonna look at you like View attachment 444222 , so be prepared for that... if he doesnt take you serious, then give him the ole evil eye, and back up becasue hell be comin out of the car all pissed, and as soon as he does, have a homie in the bushes with a rock and... View attachment 444224 when he isnt lookin. Then once hes on the ground, grab a chair and View attachment 444225 . By this time, all of the school will be outside and will be all View attachment 444227 cause your whoopin the piss outta this guy, but right about the time you get all rambo, he hollars out to his homies for help, and thats when the real fun starts... youre all View attachment 444230 so noone hears, but to your dismay, his friends with thier glocks come a runnin, and it looks like this... Them ---> View attachment 444232 <---- You ... then instead of everyone in the school cheering for you, they are all of a sudden View attachment 444234 once again ... so the ricer sees his boyeeeez helpin him, so he runs his mouth like View attachment 444235 ... at this point you realize you better run or hide, you decide running is View attachment 444237 so instead you think about making a truce instead... but out of nowhere, here comes your old skool homie Bubb Rubb View attachment 444239 and all the kids in the school are like :eek: so you give Bubb Rubb the low down and hes like View attachment 444241 Bubb gets mad about the whole deal whips out his flame thrower!!!! and View attachment 444244 the ricer!!!! The fight is over... you thank Bubb Rubb and he says View attachment 444245 and creeps out as quickly as he came... all the students are cheering for you once again, so you get on your soap box and talk about how stealing wallets that are left in cars is just gay.. so all the women start showing you thier View attachment 444247 and the rest of the teachers and faculty worship you like View attachment 444249

So its either jail, or king of the school.. you decide.
Strype said:
That has to be the funniest $%^& I've read in a loooong time- and you took up all the smilie space!!! YES!

And thats the edited version, i originally had 36 different smileys in there, but it gave me the 20 limit, so i could either make 2 posts or shorten it.. :shrug:
RsStanG1987 said:
Carry a bike chain in your pocket if one of them pulls on you slap him in the face with the bike chain. Or you can go take some mixed martial arts lessons and learn how to disarm someone who has a gun.
:nonono: Thats a real good way to get shot. If someone is trained how to fire/hold a gun especially in combat situations, then you ain't getting their gun.