Build Thread The Hoopty Chronicles - New House, New garage, New Car?

Well, I had a couple of hours to mess with the car last night and got nowhere. Having ignition issues but I can't blame the MS. I haven't ruled out any ignition hardware issues either.

@Boosted92LX you said I can unplug a red wire on the TFI and see if the ignition switch is bad, right?
@a91what how sure are you that the car wont run without the spout in? I was moaning about my MS issues on another forum and someone asked if I set the mechanical timing with the spout out and I said no because I was told it wouldn't run without it. They said to pull the spout and set the base timing as if the A9L was still in it.
You can give it a try but I'll tell you this mine won't run at all whatsoever with the spout removed. If I so much as pull the spout with the car running it immediately dies. But maybe my car is not the norm however as outlined in the mega manual you do not pull the spout to set the timing with the megasquirt
Ok, I thought so. Worth a try I guess
Well I was holding my 3550 for a dude who said he wanted it, but called yesterday to say he didn't know when he was gonna have the money.

Pro - I can get the car on the road with the 3550.

Con - I really needed that $$$ to finish the TH400.

I've been too busy to mess with it anyway, so it's not a huge hit. I've been doing some side work that's paying well, but I'm not getting home until late at night. Hope to have it all wrapped up in a week so that will free up time and $$$.
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This "side work" you're doing.......getting home late at night,...well paid...

Hmmm..... Kinda get's you wondering what that might be.

1. ninja
2. exotic dancer
3. $ : 8- Gigolo
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Been workin hard, you look a lot different
Yeah,,,that's what I'm saying....Clearly Collin's V 2.0 looks way more like a human than my V 2.0.
It don't look a damn bit like him,..but definitely looks human.

So then,. Collin...V 2.0 is paintin', while your're out paintin the town.

I'm so tellin' your wife.

Sleaze bag.
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Drive it with the 3550. Then swap later, it would be great to see a few miles on her soon. Give those jack stand a break.

I was going to say swap over winter but you southern folks don't really get a winter like us northerners.
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It's better but it's still not correct you shouldn't have to put 10 in the entire table to make the car run. I think Stinger is on to something if there's another distributor that you can possibly swap in just to give it a try and see if the rotor phasing is off. I wish Matt Cramer watch this forum I'm sure he could come up with a solution very quickly. I know for a fact that he watches over on the Corral you may try posting this up over there and see if you can get a response from him you can also try a gentleman named Asher.
I posted on the MS forum and Matt was helping me there. Need to update that thread
I ordered a replacement distributor this weekend. When it came in, I went to the parts store to find a unit that looked as if someone grabbed it with the greasiest set of those cloth gloves with the black dots you can imagine and drop kicked the mofo down the street a few times.

I passed on the part, but I am relatively certain that my distributor is trash. I'll keep looking or just say eff it and go EDIS like Mike and Steve said to do from the beginning.
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Are there any pep boys speed shops around you? They used to stock sbf distributors in there performance isle
Maybe so. Im trying to decide which way to go with it. I can buy another distributor for $259 or spend half on the EDIS but have to pull sh*t apart and fab more brackets, etc. etc...
But then you'll be done,....No stupid electro-octopus sitting front and center, "Distributor hits the T stat housing" and having to re- "stab the dizzy" when it's "one tooth off"....It'll be so.............trendy of you.
But then you'll be done,....No stupid electro-octopus sitting front and center, "Distributor hits the T stat housing" and having to re- "stab the dizzy" when it's "one tooth off"....It'll be so.............trendy of you.

I just don't have any momentum/gumption/motivation right now. Hopefully, my big side job will wrap up next weekend and I can get back in to it. Nursing a busted rib has had a lot to do with that as well.
well, I took the easy road yet again and bought a billet Accel billet Distributor. I'll switch over to EDIS when I have less things going on an need something to tinker with.
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