Build Thread The Hoopty Chronicles - New House, New garage, New Car?

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Nothing exciting. Was working out and something snapped. Muscle or something but it's painful

with heavy weights I always wore a belt and wrapped my knees. Back in the day I squatted 505 and benched 365... Then the wife came..........


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I actually had a similar thing happen to me 2 years ago. Last heavy set 600ish, went down and felt a pop and a tingle from my ribs.

Turned out I torn the cartilage from 3 of my ribs.....
How did they find out and was there anything they did to help recovery? I had an X-ray done and the doc basically said "if it hurts, don't do it". Im wondering if I should get a second opinion. He saw nothing wrong in the X rays but didn't think it was important enough to do a cat scan.
The worst parts is I wasn't even lifting a large amount of weights. Somewhere around 300lbs.
And so begins the future ramifications of injuries sustained at an earlier age. Something that you'll be able to point back to when at 50 you just stand up, and go "OWWW!!!, Where'd that pain come from?"
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And so begins the future ramifications of injuries sustained at an earlier age. Something that you'll be able to point back to when at 50 you just stand up, and go "OWWW!!!, Where'd that pain come from?"
Damned if I do and damned if I don't. I don't work out to build muscle, I workout to stay in my present form. Ya know, maintenance, if you will. I sit in a cubicle all day and that's my only shot at activity. So if I keep getting hurt performing regular maintenance, I may as well start ordering Tylenol by the case.
Damned if I do and damned if I don't. I don't work out to build muscle, I workout to stay in my present form. Ya know, maintenance, if you will. I sit in a cubicle all day and that's my only shot at activity. So if I keep getting hurt performing regular maintenance, I may as well start ordering Tylenol by the case.
Ibuprofen, ibuprofen works better.:nice:
Damned if I do and damned if I don't. I don't work out to build muscle, I workout to stay in my present form. Ya know, maintenance, if you will. I sit in a cubicle all day and that's my only shot at activity. So if I keep getting hurt performing regular maintenance, I may as well start ordering Tylenol by the case.
They have BMW dealerships in your city don't they?


Best job in the world. You're always dealing with happy people (cause they just bought one of those cars) and what you do makes them even happier. Some weeks you work events, Golf tournaments, HS football games, but even on a "normal" day most of the time are only sitting at your desk for about half of the 8 hr day.

Restricted to 40 hrs a week,...(cause the parent organization won't pay overtime) and all you gotta do is know your sht.

And for that,....they pay the "entry level" wages and commissions to gross this job at 46k.

WHAT is NOT to like?
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How did they find out and was there anything they did to help recovery? I had an X-ray done and the doc basically said "if it hurts, don't do it". Im wondering if I should get a second opinion. He saw nothing wrong in the X rays but didn't think it was important enough to do a cat scan.

X-ray wont show the cartilage tear. Mine was so bad it clicked, it was a feel thing. My doctor had the injury himself prior and knew exactly what to look for. Basically they'll give you a pain med and rest 3-6 weeks. Not really anything you can do except let it heal. Made sleeping on a memory foam bed miserable.
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X-ray wont show the cartilage tear. Mine was so bad it clicked, it was a feel thing. My doctor had the injury himself prior and knew exactly what to look for. Basically they'll give you a pain med and rest 3-6 weeks. Not really anything you can do except let it heal. Made sleeping on a memory foam bed miserable.
Haha yep. Same mattress here