Toyota halts production on 8 models....

I work for a Fleet Leasing company with over 250,000 vehicles on the road in the US, so i get the updates about this. Toyota almost had to be forced into looking into this problem, they tried to blame it all on the floor mat issue, Toyota took to long to look into this, Toyotas used to be reliable, but they are getting cheap while the American vehicles are getting better, and just because its built in American by Americans doesn't make it an American car to me theres a little more to it then that, funny story actually my sister told my dad that she wanted a Scion before, my dad told her that he hopes her bf will let her stay with him cuz he doesn't want that crap in his driveway...maybe thats where i got the dislike for imports....

that very could well be my good sir..and your father is a smart man if i may say hahah:nice:
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Here is my $.02... And please, if it is offensive, ignore it.. :p

A lot of people claim that you should buy Fords/Chevys/etc, because they are American cars, and that helps support the American economy. True. :flag:

Opponents to this logic say, "Oh but Toyotas/Hondas/Hyundais/etc. are built in the US, by US workers." TRUE.....

But... where are these manufacturers headquartered??? OVERSEAS! IN ASIA! :notnice::notnice::notnice: So, American workers are given jobs, though not union jobs, and the cars are technically 'American,' but they can still be traced back to foreign manufacturers where the overall goal is to sell more cars than domestic manufacturers. While this is a seemingly 'free-market' way of doing things, they should have been paying tariffs since day one.. back in the sixties and seventies when they started bringing over the cars..

Sorry guys/gals.. you might have a Toyota (my sister does), or a Honda (my other sister does) or a Lexus (my ex does) or a Nissan (I drove a Titan for a week), or a Matrix (I drove one as a rental) or a Camry (I drove one as a rental)... THEY ARE CRAP!!!! You will never convince me that they are 'quality cars that will last forever'...

While people have reasons for buying a certain brand of car, that's fine.. but you will have a very difficult time convincing me to buy any japanese auto..



(I just needed to vent, sorry) :nice:
Here is my $.02... And please, if it is offensive, ignore it.. :p

A lot of people claim that you should buy Fords/Chevys/etc, because they are American cars, and that helps support the American economy. True. :flag:

Opponents to this logic say, "Oh but Toyotas/Hondas/Hyundais/etc. are built in the US, by US workers." TRUE.....

But... where are these manufacturers headquartered??? OVERSEAS! IN ASIA! :notnice::notnice::notnice: So, American workers are given jobs, though not union jobs, and the cars are technically 'American,' but they can still be traced back to foreign manufacturers where the overall goal is to sell more cars than domestic manufacturers. While this is a seemingly 'free-market' way of doing things, they should have been paying tariffs since day one.. back in the sixties and seventies when they started bringing over the cars..

Sorry guys/gals.. you might have a Toyota (my sister does), or a Honda (my other sister does) or a Lexus (my ex does) or a Nissan (I drove a Titan for a week), or a Matrix (I drove one as a rental) or a Camry (I drove one as a rental)... THEY ARE CRAP!!!! You will never convince me that they are 'quality cars that will last forever'...

While people have reasons for buying a certain brand of car, that's fine.. but you will have a very difficult time convincing me to buy any japanese auto..



(I just needed to vent, sorry) :nice:

In reality, American cars have been spit for the past decades. Proof is in the pudding, and there's a reason Joe Schmoe and Jane Dane went to Japanese cars for their everyday/grocer-getting needs.

I don't know about you, I don't give a damn who makes my car, if they don't build it to a high enough code to protect me and my loved ones, I won't support them. Ford hasn't been as bad, but GM built some of the most UNSAFE death traps up until just maybe 4 or so years ago. Ford wasn't too great either, just look at the folding old F-150's. As well, I don't want to have to worry about my cars dependability.

Legions of old Toyota's and Hondas are still on the road, pushing over 200+K miles. It's fine to like what you like, just too many "buy American because it's American" people are delusional by assuming everything else is a POS.

I like American cars, and I always have bought them over Japanese cars, because the particular models speak to me more, but I'm not gonna over-look the big picture.

Good news is, American cars are REALLY finally starting to become leaders, and out-do their Japanese counterparts, however, we can credit the Japanese for this, as their success is what got the slow-ass moving American Car Companies to finally start producing some good stuff.
^^^ I agree...

American car companies have had periods of inferior quality.. it's as if they were asleep, the Japanese brands took over, and now they are finally awake.. with a bad hangover thinking, "WTF just happened?" :rolleyes:

I owned an '04 Mustang.. it had some quality issues, but it was what I was looking for in a car.. Now that I own an '07 Mustang, the improvements in quality are amazing.. I drove a 2009/2010 Fusion.. it's even better than the '07 Mustang.. in some ways.

I hope Ford continues on their path to achieving a larger share of the market.. Unless something drastically changes with their current operations (for the worse), I will buy another one.. and it will probably be my first choice. :flag:
Totally ^^.

Ford are really on the right track, I always loved Mustangs, but Ford, and especially GM, have been making sh***y cars (to put is crudely) for the most part, compared to Japanese counterparts.

Right now, they have a fire lit under their arses, even GM, and their cars have never been better. Still some ways to go (speaking on GM mostly here), but things are finally on track and improving (speaking for both).