What happened to the thread about the video?

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I had the chance to meet 909 a couple of weeks ago and there was no bragging going on about hp #s or nothing of that matter just exited about his mustang and the mods that he has had done. this thread started out kind of hard on 909 and there was no reason for it and if people want to take excitement as bragging then that is to bad hell if I had put a # up like that I would be showing it to everybody not to brag just because I would be excited about the #
909 said:
I don't know what happened to the thread? I don't have anything to hide. It was a one time shot only, I wanted to present Paul and Jon with a small framed copy of it, as a gift. I was so excited, I had to show it at the meet. I didn't know everyone and their dog was going to call Paul and Jon before I had a chance to give it to them myself. So much for a surprise gift. It pretty much takes all the fun out of it.

It was a one run shot at 29 psi. Actually it was wavering between 28 and 29, it was hard to read. For the love of God, it made 603 at 25 psi (not at redline), and I only drive it at 23 psi.

So, I go to see Paul and Jon and they are like WTF? And now I am getting called "Sandy". Some lady I don't even know. Glad I got a good start with the community. I guess I'll take my KB and hang out by myself.

Oh, it was nice to meet you Chung, you are the man, thanks for the tune, it works great.

dont ever let anyone refer to you as "sandy". no matter what you do or didnt do you will never be that bad. pog and joe are just trying to take some heat off of themselves by bringing you into it.
AndyGibb said:
dont ever let anyone refer to you as "sandy". no matter what you do or didnt do you will never be that bad. pog and joe are just trying to take some heat off of themselves by bringing you into it.

Dude, you make even less sense than this thread already made. Noone in THIS THREAD is hatin' on anyone else. Ben was just mentioning that out in the wild he heard some nasty rumours flying.

Can you name a post where you have added technical or social value? Im wondering if a single person will step up and say that they ever got a thing from any post of yours. Even one. I dont mind any perspective on a situation if the person can add value once in awhile to SOMEBODY.

nice to see you andy...glad you know what my intentions were you f'ing nutless troll.

I wasn't trying to make anyone look bad at all. Like I said I had seen the dyno sheet at the car show but only briefly and wanted to see it again in a bit more detail...then the thread got deleted.

I'm not one to try and discount others acomplishments to make myself look better, like you and all the other folks that jumped on the "I hate Sandi" bandwaggon.
