what's the longest you can go without changing your oil

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Regular oil & filter should be changed every 3000, more often if the car is driven in tough conditions. Synthetic oil can probably go about 5000 or more but it's tough to say when that oil filter needs to be changed.
depends if you drive under "extreme driving conditions", unless you're towing stuff :rolleyes:, driving on dusty roads, and in a lot of stop and go traffic, I'm pretty sure 5k is fine. Filter every other oil change is what I've heard also.


This thread reminds me...I need to change my oil..like now :p
Here's a new twist to that question: right now I'm averaging 300 miles/mo or less on my stang....so mileage comes very slow!! How often (in time) should I change my oil? I drive the car a couple times a week to make sure everything stays circulated and I use Mobile 1 synthetic
in theory cant these high end synthetic oils (amsoil, mobil1) go for 25000 miles with regular filter changes? id never try it but amsoil claims this i believe, which reminds me 5k is coming up quick time to change mine
Gt1995 said:
****ing mustang abuse

You are soooo right.
Please, send a letter to Ford, you know, the company that builds the car you are so obsessed with, and tell them they are stupid mfockers for telling the whole gdam world to change their oil every 5,000 miles. I bet you will get a polite reply from them. :rolleyes: