When are you taking your car out ?

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Last year I had mine out like mid March, the weather was great, and the roads were (relatively) clear.

This year I need to make a grudge purchase for tires...
and I want to have my new seats and vert bar installed before i bring it out this year. I hope by... May 1st?
it's the latest I've ever waited, and i'm getting antsy, there's no denying it.
I might bring her out in two wks, we'll see how it goes.

But I wanted my body kit too, that needs to wait till june :(
CrazyHorn said:
Just got the car out for a spin to return a movie, anyways, the road was dry and all, when I got there well it starts raining damn why does it always have to rain when I go for a drive with my car. :bang:

That's why you should've plated it 3 days ago... 1 day of + 15 C with sun and 2 days of + 20 with sun :hail2:

Was priceless.
has been at the body shop for about 3 wks now, i get it back the end of next week.. getting trailored under a cover to my pinstripers house.. and trailored from there to my work for final stereo/interior install, then trailored too the car show on the 27th for the show on the 28/29 and plated as of the 29th for one hell of a nitrous fed bag run :D