Why won't my fuel pump work?????????


New Member
Jun 11, 2003
Well, my car runs after I converted to a 5.0, but I have to turn the fuel pump on every time with a switch because it's not getting power. Where should I start looking? I turn the key to the ON position and I here a click under the hood, but the fuel pump doesn't "prime". I looked under the seat and there were the wires for the fuel pump relay, but no relay. so i plugged the relay out of my 89 car in and still nothing. Where is the fuel pump relay supposed to be on a 91 lx 4cyl?
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im not great on this stuff, and dont know all that is involved with the swap you did. that being said, i would check the inertia switch first. if it has continuity, grab the wires under the seat. check them out, specifically the one that runs from the puter to the relay.
do a search on TMOSS. he has some great diagrams. i believe he recently posted some that are just what you need.
this may help too. it is also courtesy of TMoss,