Worst show EVER!

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If you're watching that show just now, be patient, it gets a little better. I agree though, "rich" decides who wins, not the race.

The crappiest part wasn't him giving them half a track, it was him awarding a second win aferwards too, whining the whole time about the bug being faster than he expected. Sorry guys, run what ya brung, and hope it's enough!
yeah, not a big fan of that show either. I hate when they give a guy like 10 car lengths to start with, thats not real "race" to me. Why don't they get 2 competitiors that have cars within a few tenths of each other on the 1/4, then it would seem more interesting because driver's skill would win the race instead of a bad estimate of how slow one is compared to the other.

Oh, and I agree, the host is a dick.
Iggyshane said:
Any one else ever want to care a pink peice of paper around and whip it out on a rice yelling " LET GO FOR PINKS B**** " !!!

That wouldn't make sense up here in Canaduh. Our "ownership papers" are small blue things, well, at least here in Ontario. Waving a pink piece of paper around would make me look like a fairy.
1TallMF said:
That wouldn't make sense up here in Canaduh. Our "ownership papers" are small blue things, well, at least here in Ontario. Waving a pink piece of paper around would make me look like a fairy.
I have never seen a "pink" title (ownership paper) here in the U.S. I think it may have been back in the day, but not now.