x/h pipe

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95silvergt5.0 said:
anyone know if you have to have catalytic converters on them in iowa? It costs a ****load to get cats on them so i dont want to do it if its not neccesary.

I think so. My friend Tim (18mustangs) just moved back to Iowa, and he mentioned having to put his catted mid-pipe and smog back on.

Now that I think about it, where do you NOT need cats?
It's not likely that they will catch you on the road (unless a cop pulls you over for your exhaust being too loud, in which case they've been known to do a visual inspection for cats, a lot DO know what they are). But you have to have them for inspection. And inspection stations CERTAINLY know what they are.
I think it is a law that you must have catalytic converters no matter where you drive, but several states don't inspect cars, so you could be just fine. However, I was told by a dealership they would never work on my car if I put an offroad pipe on it. Oh well, more of a reason to do my own.
95silvergt5.0 said:
Does it mess up your computer/cause the check engine light to go on when you have the noncatted pipes on?
Only the newer Mustangs (I think 96 and up) required MIL (Malfunction Indicator Lights) eliminators, the 94-95 Mustangs do not require this. Cats or not, you won't have a light come on from swapping mid-pipes.
94MustangGT5.0 said:
Only the newer Mustangs (I think 96 and up) required MIL (Malfunction Indicator Lights) eliminators, the 94-95 Mustangs do not require this. Cats or not, you won't have a light come on from swapping mid-pipes.

:stupid: Yep, as long as your O2's are installed correctly, you shouldn't get any CEL's.
If you put your o2 sensors in the check engine lights wont come on. I just put my h-pipe on a couple of weeks ago, BIG difference in sound too i love it. But if anyone gives you any crap or says anything just say, we all use hairspray dont we? lol
silverstangman said:
cars over 10 years old in nc anyway dont require emissions testing

Holy crap! I wish that were the case here in Georgia. It seems like more and more counties are being added. Testing here is pretty strict and does involve a visual inspection. Not that I want to build a nasty car, but it would be nice to be somewhat close to regulation without having to worry if I'm off a little.

Not too bad though. In the end, the only trade-off is that I have to keep my smog pump, 2 cats, and keep my cam pretty mild. I'm planning on a 347 with good head and intake combo, however, the cam should keep things legal. Don't think I could get away with longtubes, so that's a negative too.

Georgia law states that any car over 25 years old are no longer required to be tested for emissions. Great, only 13 years to go. :notnice: