Progress Thread 43 years later


Dang it. I was hoping mine would get 3 more inches
May 14, 2019
Things are finally moving along. No I haven't been just sitting around drinking beer. I've been stripping the engine bay and drinking beer.
I dropped the block off today.


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Enzio, out of curiosity, is your oil pan's part number still visible? It's on the bottom of the sump on mine. Just wondering if the part number I took a picture of last weekend was the full number. I think it was but have nothing to compare it to. Figured it would be a good thing to catalog somewhere for future reference. :)
It is. I looked at it after you posted last week. Mine is the same number. When I get it back I'll try to take a picture to confirm.
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I braved the Pandemic and the Riot going on at my police precinct to drop off the Cobra II at the body shop for metal work and paint. It looks lonesome.


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The govenor is going to tell us if we're going under martial law by 2:00. And curfew!
I haven't slept but a couple of hours since tuesday night. Wanted really bad to get the Cobra II out of the garage. I'd leave town but my T5 is due sometime in the next couple days.
I gotta run out and get some mace for my neighbors.
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Just got up for the late shift neighborhood watch.:coff: Curfew is being ignored by the bad guys. So many fires that the army can't keep up. The arsonist are mobile and just ahead of the ANGuard.

I'll send pics when I can. My garage is empty at the moment. I can tell you that it will be black with the gold stripes. More to come in June.
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:) I've always liked the decals.

I'm making a list to get the heck out of here. I need to get hold of UPS to delay any shipping to my address. Things are going to get worse around here. So I may be absent for a bit while I relocate.

I thank all of you for your support and I hope this doesn't come to your city.

I thank all of you for your support and I hope this doesn't come to your city.


Too late. :cry:


And here's an Atlanta rapper I've never heard of making the most sense concerning what happened here last night.


I mean I can understand the frustration and where they're coming from. I've had many conversations with one of my coworkers about how she felt as a black woman and how she interprets how the black community feels. It made total sense once we had that conversation. Unfortunately not everyone is willing to have a conversation like that, and even if they would I don't think some could step out of their own comfort zone long enough to listen much less try to see it from the other side of the fence.

I don't have a lot of first hand experience with Minneapolis, but being from Iowa there was plenty of pent up racism in my hometown. I saw it first hand on many occasions and grew up in a family who, underneath the facade, had some racist views as well. So, from my point of view, racism is alive and well, it's just been percolating for a while. Until people can outgrow their prejudice views and realize we're all made from the same ingredients but have different wrappers, this will be a problem that plagues the country for a LONG time. It both hurts and pisses me off that people have to be that way.

Ok, off my soapbox.... :shrug: